A Zen master named Gettan lived in the latter part of the Tokugawa era. He used to say:

“There are three kinds of disciples: those who impart Zen to others, those who maintain the temples and shrines, and then there are the rice bags and the clothes-hangers.”

Gasan expressed the same idea. When he was studying under Tekisui, his teacher was very severe. Sometimes he even beat him. Other pupils would not stand this kind of teaching and quit. Gasan remained, saying:

“A poor disciple utilizes a teacher’s influence. A fair disciple admires a teacher’s kindness. A good disciple grows strong under a teacher’s discipline.”



On Finding a Teacher
On one fine summer day, as I strolled aimlessly along a riverbank,
Beset with a thousand disquietudes,
I chanced upon an old woman fishing under the shady cool of creeping willows.
I wanted to ask her my thousand questions regarding the sun, moon and the creation of the universe and my purpose in life and oh so many more,
She placed her fingers on her lips: Fish are rising.
So I stood there and watched.
The freckled river shimmered with flashes of light like scales of an anaconda.
Clouds drift and tugged the blue horizon with their thick, silken strands;
Shadows of the willow grove deepened.
I felt my questions draining away.
Finally, as she slowly reeled in her line, I laughed as I saw that the line was without a hook.
How does one catch fish without a hook? I wondered.
As she turned to go, I know that tea is ready and I am invited.
Following behind her light, drifting footsteps, a gentle breeze combs through the willow branches,
I catch fragments of their whispering: A big one she caught.

……………………………………………………..INFO WILL BE ADDED PERIODICALLY……………………………

“All material contained in seminars is copyrighted and cannot be used without expressed permission from SiFu Doc Savage.  Any violation will be prosecuted to the full extent of the law. ” 

“SHADOWHAND does not support/condone bullying and or dictator-style tactics to maintain loyalty.  Loyalty is earned not controlled!”  


  1. Adam
    December 10th, 2013 at 20:05 | #1

    As always a great seminar this past weekend. SiFu, thank you for continuing to teach old school Wing Chun. Thank you SiFu Doug/Justin for working with us Friday night, and SiFu Bobby for allowing us to train at the ranch. It was great training with everyone. See you all at the next seminar….

  2. Chris
    December 9th, 2013 at 20:05 | #2

    Anyone who didn’t make this seminar really missed out. SO much was covered that I’ll be absorbing it for the next week. Thank you Sifu for continuing to offer and share your knowledge with us to expand our little Wing Chun minds. Thank you Bobby for providing the training grounds and thanks everyone that showed up to make it possible. Until the next time, keep training.

  3. JC
    December 9th, 2013 at 12:53 | #3

    As always, the recent annual Holt retreat was amazing. Lots of new drills involving aspects of Bil Jee form; counter-kicking drills; extensions of Lop Sao drill; power training; etc… the list goes on and on. It is truly amazing to experience first hand the depth of knowledge that SiFu Doc brings to us who are learning and growing in wing chun. I firmly believe it is endless and limitless.
    Thanks again to SiFu Bobby for the use of his home and facilities. Always greatly appreciated. It was also great to see and train with the Shadowhand clan again.
    It’s been said many times before…and its worth repeating because its that important: good wing chun is pounded down, not handed down. Train hard!!! Learn the lessons of the drills.
    ~May the Force be with You! 🙂

  4. ARS
    December 6th, 2013 at 23:28 | #4

    Excited about Dec. 6-8! Glad to be attending.

  5. Chris
    December 5th, 2013 at 19:49 | #5

    I’m ready! 🙂

  6. SiFu Doc Savage
    December 5th, 2013 at 11:43 | #6

    One more day! See you in Holt!

  7. J C
    November 28th, 2013 at 16:04 | #7

    Happy Thanksgiving to my fellow Wing Chun’ers and Brother Horsemen!!! 😉

  8. EZ E(nero)
    November 28th, 2013 at 15:50 | #8


  9. SiFu Doc Savage
    November 25th, 2013 at 22:07 | #9

    There will be no class this thur. evening.
    But, there will be a sat. class

  10. SiFu Doc Savage
    November 25th, 2013 at 13:30 | #10

    To all who inquired about the seminar. YES! All are welcome no matter what wing chun school or lineage! All are welcome to come and learn. You won’t be put on any list or made an example of. Just come and learn for three days. That’s all!
    SiFu Savage
    Copyright 2013

  11. SiFu Doc Savage
    November 15th, 2013 at 13:27 | #11

    Coming Soon!
    Start making plans on attending December 6,7 and 8!
    Open to all wing chun students! Or if you just want to give it a try!
    Come join us in three days of fun and fellowship!
    SiFu Doc Savage

  12. J C
    November 12th, 2013 at 10:27 | #12

    Wish i could have been there

  13. Bobby
    November 12th, 2013 at 02:28 | #13

    Sifu Doc, thank you for opportunity to help with the video and to get to train with you and expand my knowledge and skill

  14. SiFu Doc Savage
    November 10th, 2013 at 13:17 | #14

    WOW! Thanks to all that helped me record the “CHI SAO” video yesterday in the Panama City Kwoon! SiFu Hindman with the support of SiFu Bobby Beck took the time to help me put on DVD what I concider to be an extensive compilation of Chi Sao techinques and fundamental knowledge of this segment of training. Thanks to Chris Martin for filming this event. Not to be forgotten Aiden Savage for his assistance in making this video. Again, Thanks!
    SiFu Savage

  15. EZ E(nero)
    November 8th, 2013 at 02:19 | #15

    For anyone looking to learn Wing Chun – this is a great place. The regular fee covers the Thursday & Saturday classes. The Saturday class is 2 hours & is typically the busier class. Since more students show up on Saturday it is possible to train with a lot of different energies, pressures, & skill levels. To me that makes the Saturday class invaluable. Having said that, the Thursday class has strengths of an entirely different variety. Thursday night ends up being more akin to a private lesson due to the smaller class size. Think of this class as the fine points of the WC system. It is short but packed with insightful gems. Lots of value for your buck! Your knowledge will expand with these two classes & some training on your own, but there are also the seminars. Private lessons are available. You can go as far as you want. SiFu is here to teach if you want to learn. In him you get to learn the system from a practitioner that not only loves WC but has also applied the art in real world situations. That logo: “Preserving the Self Defense Art of Wing Chun Kung Fu” is not just some catch phrase to reel in business. He loves WC & is serious about passing it on. If you are serious about learning WC you have found the right place.

  16. Adam
    November 6th, 2013 at 14:26 | #16

    Enjoyed another great seminar. Always a pleasure to train with my WC brothers. Thank you SiFu for sharing your knowledge/experience to help enhance our skills. Looking forward to next month.

  17. Chris
    November 5th, 2013 at 15:44 | #17

    Awesome seminar! It was fun to meet and train with more members of the Shadowhand lineage and I look forward to the next time! Thank you Sifu for bringing the energy and dedication to every class and seminar demonstrating your love and knowledge of the art and sharing that with us. I look forward to the December seminar which, like every seminar, will be a blast!

  18. Bobby
    November 4th, 2013 at 22:23 | #18

    Justin; I like it

  19. Jeff
    November 4th, 2013 at 21:19 | #19

    Thanks Sifu for another great seminar. And thanks to all my Shadowhand brothers for all the experience you guys bring to the lessons. The force is strong with our family for sure.

  20. Justin
    November 4th, 2013 at 14:14 | #20

    A recommendation for our upcoming Holt retreat:
    – Shadowhand leg training, drills, applications, fighting!!!!! Chi Gerk…Tripodal…even kicking ass while sitting down!?!?!?!?!
    What say you???

  21. Justin
    November 4th, 2013 at 14:11 | #21

    Though only a quick visit, the 20hr roundtrip journey is ALWAYS worth it!!!!! My understanding of Shadowhand Wing Chun grows with each trip to see SiFu Doc Savage. I only wished I lived closer!!! Great to cross hands with Doc and my fellow “open-air” disciples! 🙂

  22. EZ E(nero)
    November 4th, 2013 at 02:17 | #22

    As per the norm, another great seminar…still letting it all sink/sync in. Walked away with a better understanding of the art of WC – priceless! Thanks SiFu! Also thanks to all the out-of-towners for joining us here in FWB, good to see old & new (to me anyway) WC brothers.

  23. November 3rd, 2013 at 13:57 | #23

    Jason and I had a GREAT time training with the Masters.

    Thanks so much Sifu, always a pleasure and looking forward to the next time we can make it to town. 🙂

  24. Bobby
    November 3rd, 2013 at 01:24 | #24

    I had a great day training with everyone and especially greatful to the guys who traveled so for to train and hone their skills, as always thanks to SiFu Doc Savage for his generosity in sharing his lifetime of experience and continually helping me improve my skill level

  25. Fred
    November 3rd, 2013 at 00:23 | #25

    Sifu, thanks for the seminar. I learned a lot, as always, and have a new perspective and a more thorough understanding of chi sao to help my in my studies and development.

  26. SiFu Doc Savage
    October 31st, 2013 at 11:47 | #26

    OK! The seminar is this weekend! Make plans to be there at 8 am in Liza Jackson Park! Bring a notebook and a pen! Bring warm clothes and be ready to learn what it really takes to be proficient in SHADOWHAND Combat Chi Sao!

  27. Doc Savage
    October 28th, 2013 at 10:12 | #27

    Roger That!

  28. J C
    October 26th, 2013 at 01:07 | #28

    Looking forward to it SiFu!

  29. Doc Savage
    October 21st, 2013 at 19:35 | #29

    I am working on the next “SHADOWHAND WING CHUN” dvd. It will include the three forms , wooden man, pole and knife forms as well!
    It’s a work in progress! Stay tuned for more info!
    copyright 2013-SiFu Doc Savage

  30. Chris
    October 14th, 2013 at 16:04 | #30

    Yes, definitely! Great training and support among all! Thank you Sifu for revealing more of the art to us and thank you Sifu Doug for hosting. Now I need to find myself a wooden man and put down the air guitar. 🙂

  31. Justin
    October 14th, 2013 at 00:59 | #31

    What Bobby said!!!!!!!!! 🙂

  32. October 13th, 2013 at 21:57 | #32

    What a gret weekend of great training and fellowship! Thanks for all wwho attended and to
    SiFu Doug for letting us use his state of the art training facility!
    SiFu Savage

  33. Bobby
    October 13th, 2013 at 14:30 | #33

    Thanks Sifu Doc for sharing your knowledge and desire for your students to achieve perfection in the art by seeing the fine details and showing us how to correct our less than perfect forms, and thanks to Doug for hosting the seminar and helping improve my Wing Chun skills

  34. EZ E(nero)
    October 12th, 2013 at 01:49 | #34

    Sucks to be missing out on this Mook Yan Jong training. Would love to have been there with all my WC brothers…next time I guess. Color me jealous. You guys enjoy & take good notes, I will be stalking your notebooks…

  35. October 10th, 2013 at 22:19 | #35

    Si-Hing Monty will be conducting class while I am teaching the Wooden Man Seminar this Saturday at SiFu Hindman’s Panama City School!
    SiFu Savage

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