A Zen master named Gettan lived in the latter part of the Tokugawa era. He used to say:
“There are three kinds of disciples: those who impart Zen to others, those who maintain the temples and shrines, and then there are the rice bags and the clothes-hangers.”
Gasan expressed the same idea. When he was studying under Tekisui, his teacher was very severe. Sometimes he even beat him. Other pupils would not stand this kind of teaching and quit. Gasan remained, saying:
“A poor disciple utilizes a teacher’s influence. A fair disciple admires a teacher’s kindness. A good disciple grows strong under a teacher’s discipline.”
Beset with a thousand disquietudes,
I chanced upon an old woman fishing under the shady cool of creeping willows.
I wanted to ask her my thousand questions regarding the sun, moon and the creation of the universe and my purpose in life and oh so many more,
She placed her fingers on her lips: Fish are rising.
So I stood there and watched.
The freckled river shimmered with flashes of light like scales of an anaconda.
Clouds drift and tugged the blue horizon with their thick, silken strands;
Shadows of the willow grove deepened.
I felt my questions draining away.
Finally, as she slowly reeled in her line, I laughed as I saw that the line was without a hook.
How does one catch fish without a hook? I wondered.
As she turned to go, I know that tea is ready and I am invited.
Following behind her light, drifting footsteps, a gentle breeze combs through the willow branches,
I catch fragments of their whispering: A big one she caught.
……………………………………………………..INFO WILL BE ADDED PERIODICALLY……………………………
“All material contained in seminars is copyrighted and cannot be used without expressed permission from SiFu Doc Savage. Any violation will be prosecuted to the full extent of the law. ”
“SHADOWHAND does not support/condone bullying and or dictator-style tactics to maintain loyalty. Loyalty is earned not controlled!”
@SiFu Doc Savage
Great Wooden man seminar!! Thanks Sigong for the knowledge and corrections on the mook jong. Thanks Bobby and Justin for the corrections and thanks Jerry and the rest of the Mississippi guys for the hospitality!!
Anyone from south Florida going up to the Seminar in March? Please let me know.
My apologies for the delay.
Hotels that I suggest for the seminar,
Candlewood Suites Flowood, MS located off Flowood drive
Holiday Inn Express which is located right next to the other one. (Doc you stayed at this one last time, FYI)
Both hotels are located next to each other.
I need all of U 2 update yr email address!!!
Stay n the loop!!!
Especially if ur listed as an Instructor!!!
Thank you SiFu J for the heads up!!!
Update on Mississippi Seminar:
March 16-17 (9am-4pm)
Lakeshore Park PAVILLION #1
1112 Northshore Parkway
Brandon, MS 39047
As you enter the park, 100 yards into the park the road splits at the guard shack (should be no guard) veer to the right, that’s a ONE WAY and follow it all the way around and its the SECOND pavillion located over next to the tennis courts.
Hotels, most in Flowood (hwy25/Lakeland Dr) are are ok, I prefer 2 that are on Flowood Drive, I think some stayed at one of them last time. Forgetful me, I always forget the names of them, but email or call me and I will get the info, if needed.
I would NOT suggest staying in Jackson, or Ridgeland.
We have 3 wooden men, I am humbly requesting more, please if you can, bring some with frames. As none of us are any good at building things out of wood, we are going to attempt to build frames for ours the weekend before 😀
As always feel free to contact me if there are any questions, email, or FB, or txt or call.
Hope to see everyone there!!!
Thank you sir! Those are the two that I have been in touch with. I live between them, near Birmingham. I should be able to make it to the MS seminar and may bring a friend that trains in Kali with me. Thanks again!
Greetings John!
Mississippi Seminar is open to all!
The only two Certified to teach “SHADOWHAND” Wing Chun Kung Fu are:
SiFu Adam Rose: Montgomery
SiFu Jay Baudean: Huntsville
Hope this helps!
Hello all, my name is John Neaves and I currently wander around the Birmingham, AL area. I have never trained with any of you guys but would like to in the near future. I have talked via text message to a couple of Shadowhand instructors here in Alabama but, have not been able to meet with them, as of yet. I came across your website several years ago while seeking information regarding Duncan Leung’s Applied Wing Chun (Dave Meadows in particular).
I do not mean to ramble, just thought a brief introduction prior to posting a question, was the appropriate action. Is the March seminar in Mississippi open to anyone? If I am unable to attend on Saturday due to a very strict work schedule, may I attend Sunday?
Best Regards,
“SHADOWHAND” Training at Liza Jackson Park!!!
Saturday 8am-10am
Bring a NOTEBOOK!!!
First Lesson Free!!!
Thanks SiFu J for the heads up!!!
It’s going to be one hell of a seminar!!!
Greetings all,
We are still planning on having the mook jong seminar here in Mississippi in March.
March 16-17.
Location is still TBD, however I believe it will be at the same park as the last seminar.
Worst case scenario, we will have it at my place–will just have to work out parking details.
I am at the top of the list when they finally open the reservations, which will hopefully be next week.
I will post more details as I have them.
“SHADOWHAND” Training at Liza Jackson Park!!!
Saturday 8am-10am
First Lesson Free!!!
“SHADOWHAND” Training at Liza Jackson Park!!!
Saturday 8am-10am
First Lesson Free!!!
My BAD!!!
WACO TEXES: SiFu Steve Crider!!!
The Year of Finally Learning Wing Chun:
You rent the movies.
You view the screw tube videos…
You read anything you run across about it…
You tell your friends…”I know a little”… BUT in truth you realize you don’t have a clue…just an intense admiration of a path you aspire to walk but have yet to take. It is a journey you keep promising yourself that you will make as an investment in your dreams and in yourself. It is a promise you no longer believe as you have made it to yourself in so many times past and failed to follow through on.
Perhaps you once briefly started down the path, but you are haunted by the continuing & ever-growing awareness “that he who putteth his hand to the plow and turneth back again, is not worthy of the Kingdom.” Yet you continue to try and fool your friends even though you cannot fool yourself.
Tomorrow will begin the new year 2019, and like so many years times past on the first day of the year you will be tempted to make these promises to yourself yet again, promises you have broken time and time again…
As one whom has actually walked the path, I counsel you don’t do it, don’t torture yourself with yet another New Year’s resolution to learn Wing Chun Kung Fu only to find yourself yet again in the same place in 366 days from now.
If you absolutely cannot avoid the temptation, if you must at all cost make a resolution anyway, then let it be a resolution to Simply “wait and see what you will say in 364 days …” And pray that in the mean time you exercise the character to finally take the first steps of the journey, so that on that day, December 31st 2019, you will finally be able to Proclaim to yourself in all honesty…
” this was the year I finally did it! This was the year I finally began to seriously learn Wing Chun!”
-SiFu Steve Crider
To anyone who has not had private instruction with Sifu Doc Savage, I would highly recommend it. My brother Joseph and I recently received personalized instruction in Shadowhand Wing Chun from the master of this art we love so much. I am finding it difficult to describe the experience in a few words, but I will try (…I mean “do or do not”. Sorry SiGung).
The technical corrections I received are invaluable additions to my Wing Chun tool box, but diving into the concepts that the techniques express was the real value of the lessons.
We covered a wide range of topics in the two days of training and instruction, but the real treat was the point-by-point instruction on SiGung’s “red dot” verses in “The Art of War”. I you haven’t gathered from that last statement and Joseph’s post, studying the books, and asking questions from the books will greatly enhance the experience and instruction you receive when training with Sifu Doc.
Thank you SiGung for the enlightening instruction. Training with you as much as possible will definitely be a priority from now on.
Shane Grubbs
SiGung, thanks once again for hosting another top-notch seminar! I appreciate your commitment to the Art and to your students. The Wing Chun world is better with you in it! Thank you for taking to time to check my Wooden Man and Pole forms and to help me refine them to meet the high standards you have established and maintained for decades!
You, your disciples, and instructors – all my Shadowhand Brothers – have been instrumental in my development as a martial artist, critical thinker, and man. Thank you again for welcoming me into the fold and always making me feel right at home! Merry Christmas, and may 2019 bring great fortune and success to our kung fu family!
Just finished two days of training with SiFu Doc Savage. As usual it was worth every last penny! I have spent years doing martial arts and yet only learned techniques, not the idea that drives the techniques! And finally….STUDY THE BOOKS!
As I reflect on the recent seminar, to suggest such reflection is merely of a vacation or to isolate the same to period of time in which I spent
3 days in Ft. Walton Beach is rather belittling of the overall journey. In truth, it is the journey which has been more emphatic in my memory, and by such allow me to be very clear that which is reference was not the accumulation of miles that led from Waco Texas to Ft. Walton beach, but rather by mention of the journey, I full well intend to convey…”THE JOURNEY.”
Those of us fortunate enough to have experienced Shadowhand Wing Chun Kung Fu full well know its value. Those of us whom have experienced
other lines and forms of Wing Chun, even more so. After 30 years, 3 different lineages and learning at least 5 versions of the Sil Lum Tao form and witnessing many more, I can confidently testify that Shadowhand Wing Chun Kung Fu, as SiGong Doc Savage Created it, (not the bastardized watered down versions of those whom would emulate for their own arrogant self promotion) is by far, one of the most, if not “THE MOST” comprehensive, synergistic form of Wing Chun Kung Fu I have ever witnessed. The disconnect between forms found in other lines of Wing Chun are not present in Shadowhand Wing Chun as this system of close range combat serves as the fruit of much contemplation borne not from the musings of a novice, but rather the reflections of a master. The forms in Shadowhand Wing Chun Kung Fu stand apart from other lineages as being fully exhaustive and freely flowing from one form to the next in an integral fashion that finds any whom experience even a minute amount of training, left with absolutely no doubt, that everything in Wing Chun, IS IN THE FORMS!
To suggest that if one is seeking to learn the art of combat, to become a better fighter, then visiting SiGong “SiFu Doc Savage”, would certainly be prudent recourse to satisfy such a quest is stating the obvious.
But the Journey…
I remember when my motivation for visiting a Shadowhand Wing Chun Seminar was to Become a better fighter. I also remember when I abandoned such motivations. Sure it is true that I once made the trek for sake to learn to fight, but that ended after my first seminar years ago.
It was great to be in the presence of “MEN” once again, to witness the generosity and humility of students, each embracing and exemplifying the comradery of a brotherhood. Such events are more than a vacation, a retreat, they are in all familial sense of the word, reunions.
To Bobby, thank you for the hospitality, to SiGong, Bobby, Todd, Scott, Francis,Adam, Ed and Phillip, I thank you for making me stronger, better, by exposing my flaws and then guiding me beyond them. To those whom could not attend, I assure you, you were missed.
I am a bit of a voyeur after the order of Norman Rockwell. Truly the artist in me, finds people of all walks and life fascinating on levels and I often study people, taking note of form and feature and have learned the language of appearances, which serve as instant testimony in many cases, to the life and character of total strangers.
I noticed a couple of things that grew more obvious and frequent along both the way to Florida, and the way back to Texas.
The first of which was a reaction by those men at the many gas stations I visited along the route as they spied the banners on my truck and it
was obvious that two words stood out to them and you could see their entire demeanor change at the reading of the same…”KUNG FU.”
While I speculated that surely at least one who signified by a head nod and thumbs up gesture to more than likely grasp the words “WING CHUN” as well, it more than obvious that all were reacting to a common event. The demeanors in many changed, and they stood a little erect in the shoulders, their countenance quickened and they displayed a bit more masculinity merely by stance, and gait.
There was second group of men I witnessed along the way, those whose eyes never lifted above the ground, or shifted so quickly to never allow them time to stop and focus on anything of true value, and whose effeminate appearance and body language was saddening and made me long for older times as I was moved in awareness that the art of Manliness in this nation, is struggling for survival. This latter witness not only increased by already strong disdain for “man Purses” and “man Buns”…but caused me to ponder the 1st group of witness even further and appreciate the many reactions of the same. I came to realize, that while surely some had some martial experience, others had only longed for it, others still had once experienced and walked the path only to abandon the same. But at each display in which I saw the countenance change and men stand a little taller just at the witness of reading those two words, “KUNG FU,” I came to the conclusion that they were united in a single common event which served as the inspiration to promote their individual and collective changes in demeanor…
…the Aspiration to be something…More.
While I left the seminar invigorated, stronger, motivated, in each moment I saw the demeanor in those men change, I returned each nod as an affirmation, as if to say “Yeah, I get it…Me too!” You see, that is what keeps me coming back. To say that those who come to Shadowhand Seminars witness an efficient martial art whose proficiency in close range combat is unrivaled could be a statement to stand on its own, but would fall short by omission that one will stand among the presence of a master, a man of honor, and men of honor, whose life and lives exemplify a bar to be reached for, whose lives are as inspiring as their fighting prowess of whom even a single encounter, leaves one with the aspiration…to be something ‘more.’
If I have failed in my loquacious address to convey my motivations for making the long and arduous journey to Shadowhand…then let me surmise in much more laconic fashion…
I do not make the journey to Shadowhand to learn how to fight…
I make the journey, to learn HOW TO LIVE.
Thank you SiGung for another great seminar! It’s mind boggling how many deadly and disabling techniques you’ve extracted and developed from those first three forms and the Wooden Man. Wow!
It’s evident in what we’re taught and review in these seminars, that Shadowhand Wing Chun is MUCH more than what Ip Man taught to his “students”. THAT basic, usually bastardized WC we see demonstrated on YouTube or magazines. It’s VERY obvious what Ip Man taught to his “Disciples”, YOUR Master -Duncan being one of the five.. contained MUCH more! More than amazing and lethal.. it’s OMG Savage!! It’s painful just reviewing them mentally. [-MAN it is so good to be back! 🙂 ]
And speaking of ‘pain’.. although we all went through it, kudos to you Ed, for “volunteering” to be the recipient of the extended 402 drill. I don’t think you could tell but it didn’t appear Doc was using much force. I thought that might be comforting after seeing you in the fetal position at the end of those last SIX demo’s.
Having face time, sharing chow, and getting to catch-up with my WC brothers is always a special part. Much thanks Bobby SiFu for the use of your new kwoon. As always, thank you for your tips as well. Hoping to see the others, soon.
I would like to thank all who attended the seminar and want to express my apparition for all your support of “SHADOWHAND” KUNG FU.
Some of you came from great distances to be here and fellowship/train with you brothers in your journey in “Shadowhand”. Thank you, your are the reason I still teach!!!
I’m going to be there. Don’t use Facebook so not sure whats going on in the “real world”
Then I think I’ll go stay with E for a while : )
So who’s gonna be here 4the seminar!!!
Dec. 14-15 and 16, 2018
111 Hughes Street
Fort Walton Beach, FL. 32548
Make reservations now!!!My Bad!!!
Dec. 14-15 and 26, 20018
111 Hughes Street
Fort Walton Beach, FL. 32548Fri.
Make reservations now!!!
All are welcome!!!
joe send me an email please
the email I have don’t work!!!
Thank you for sharing your knowledge down in Gulfport. I’m looking forward to training under you again sometime in December.
Thank you Sigung for sharing your knowledge with us this last Sunday. As always it was humbling and enlightening.
Had a great time Sunday in Gulfport, with SiGung and Aiden for the inpromptu training day.
I will call it another Enlightement Day.
As stated on day 1, it’s the JOURNEY.
And what a journey it has become.
Target date for December Seminar: 14,15 and 16!
We will meet at SiFu Bobby’s School.
Fri-appointment only
Sat/Sun: 9a-4p
Greetings SiGung, SiFu, and brothers! Surgery and rehabs done and am looking forward to Finally getting in some training. I should be good to go on the 15 and 16th, Doc.. but I’ll roll however you fellows work it. I’m not sure what’s on the menu but whatever it is, I know it’ll be great! I’m packin a couple ‘Shadowhand’ knives, just in case.
Greetings all!!!
I need more date ideas for the seminar!!!
Thanks SiFu