A Zen master named Gettan lived in the latter part of the Tokugawa era. He used to say:

“There are three kinds of disciples: those who impart Zen to others, those who maintain the temples and shrines, and then there are the rice bags and the clothes-hangers.”

Gasan expressed the same idea. When he was studying under Tekisui, his teacher was very severe. Sometimes he even beat him. Other pupils would not stand this kind of teaching and quit. Gasan remained, saying:

“A poor disciple utilizes a teacher’s influence. A fair disciple admires a teacher’s kindness. A good disciple grows strong under a teacher’s discipline.”



On Finding a Teacher
On one fine summer day, as I strolled aimlessly along a riverbank,
Beset with a thousand disquietudes,
I chanced upon an old woman fishing under the shady cool of creeping willows.
I wanted to ask her my thousand questions regarding the sun, moon and the creation of the universe and my purpose in life and oh so many more,
She placed her fingers on her lips: Fish are rising.
So I stood there and watched.
The freckled river shimmered with flashes of light like scales of an anaconda.
Clouds drift and tugged the blue horizon with their thick, silken strands;
Shadows of the willow grove deepened.
I felt my questions draining away.
Finally, as she slowly reeled in her line, I laughed as I saw that the line was without a hook.
How does one catch fish without a hook? I wondered.
As she turned to go, I know that tea is ready and I am invited.
Following behind her light, drifting footsteps, a gentle breeze combs through the willow branches,
I catch fragments of their whispering: A big one she caught.

……………………………………………………..INFO WILL BE ADDED PERIODICALLY……………………………

“All material contained in seminars is copyrighted and cannot be used without expressed permission from SiFu Doc Savage.  Any violation will be prosecuted to the full extent of the law. ” 

“SHADOWHAND does not support/condone bullying and or dictator-style tactics to maintain loyalty.  Loyalty is earned not controlled!”  


  1. Joseph Grubbs
    May 27th, 2018 at 00:40 | #1

    I apologize for the lateness of this post. I wanted to say thank you to Sifu Doc Savage for coming down to Mississippi to train us. As usual when training with Sifu,the little details you get from his teachings are the missing puzzle pieces you need to see the larger picture. In the past when training at his seminars even if I only received one little sliver of information I didn’t have before….it was enough to work with for months. And of course this new information leads to new questions. And those new questions, when asked correctly lead to even more insights. And with each greater and greater insight you gradually become more aware of your own path from Wu-Chi into Yin and Yang and then into the Tai-Chi and finally back to Wu-Chi.
    I look forward to discovering more of this Tao the next time we meet.

    Tsung-heng hsueh

  2. SiFu Doc Savage
    May 25th, 2018 at 20:07 | #2

    Beginner Class May 26, 2018!!!
    Liza Jackson Park, Fort Walton Beach, Fl.

  3. William Whiting
    May 20th, 2018 at 13:13 | #3

    Will there be class next Saturday at the park?

  4. Captain J
    May 17th, 2018 at 21:31 | #4

    My apologies for the delay in posting.

    I would like to thank SiGung Doc, E, Aiden, Todd, and Scott for coming up to my neck of the woods. I never in a million years would have thought we would have had this seminar, BUT WE DID AND IT WAS AWESOME!!
    It’s one thing to delve deeper down the rabbit hole, but it’s much more wise to have a guide to show you the way and the correct path.
    It was a great seminar and we are looking forward to the next one.

    Also, had a ladies self defense class the past Saturday. It was a great success, actually. We didn’t have many show, but the ones that did show actually learned what was taught (just ask Smiley) and I seriously doubt anyone could “snatch and grab” them very easily now.

  5. Scott
    May 11th, 2018 at 20:40 | #5

    Thanks SiGong for another great seminar. I had a great time. Always fun to get out town and train. It was good to train with so many different people at different skill levels. Also good to see some new faces. I got some good insights on elbo pressure and intent. Looking foward to the next one. Thanks again doc for all your guidance and understanding

  6. Jay
    May 9th, 2018 at 17:29 | #6

    Thank you Doc for having another informative seminar. Learning the correct pressure in the drills has completely changed my WC for the better. Having the right elbow pressure is crucial and things make more sense now than ever before. Thank you to the Mississippi guys for hosting the event and also thanks to Smiley for giving me a place to crash…ooh raah devil dog! Looking forward to the next one.

  7. todd
    May 3rd, 2018 at 13:51 | #7

    Good training with everyone and good that everyone is different. Thinking of the drills as mini forms.
    Thanks Doc

  8. EZ E(nero)
    May 2nd, 2018 at 21:37 | #8

    Another great seminar! I hated the drive, but it was worth it.

  9. EZ E(nero)
    May 2nd, 2018 at 21:32 | #9


  10. Shane Grubbs
    May 1st, 2018 at 20:11 | #10

    Thank you SiGong for coming to Mississippi and sharing your Knowledge with us! It was truly an excellent seminar. I feel like I got several years worth of training in a single weekend. I am constantly amazed at how the “new things” we learn at your Shadowhand seminars have been right in front of our faces the whole time, just waiting for our perceptions to expand to the point that we can see them, and for our practice to reach the point that we can apply them. Thank you SiGong for helping to expand our perceptions and pushing our practice to new heights.


  11. SiFu Doc Savage
    May 1st, 2018 at 11:12 | #11

    Beginner Class May 5, 2018!!!
    Liza Jackson Park, Fort Walton Beach, Fl.

  12. SiFu Doc Savage
    April 25th, 2018 at 15:46 | #12

    Yup Sut Dai Gee which means (In the back door Skill son) is the Chinese name for Discipleship.
    Traditionally the Yup Sut Dai Gee or disciple would represent the school & Sifu in the public eye. If a Disciple behaves badly or sets a bad example it is a poor reflection on the school and the Sifu of that school. Dishonor is then placed on that school through the disciple’s actions. The Yup Sut Dai Gees looks after the school and makes sure that Mo Duk (Martial Virtue) is upheld at all times in the Sifu’s absence. A Disciple is committed to carrying on his or her Sifu’s teachings. Before a student becomes a Yup Sut Dai Gee he must first earn the respect & confidence of the school’s Sifu. It must be proven that the student that may become a disciple is honorable, loyal, reliable and has total faith is the School & his or her Sifu, without question!
    If a Yup Moon Dai Gee (student) decides to accept the honor of becoming a Yup Sut Dai Gee or Discipleship he or she then takes on the responsibilities that come with that title.
    Many westerners seek discipleship for all the wrong reasons. If you want to become your Sifu’s Disciple, consider your own motivations first. It is not what your Art can do for you, but what you can do for your Art. You do not become a disciple to promote yourself. Quite the opposite, to become a disciple is to abandon your own selfish thoughts and dedicate your practice to others.
    You must always put your Art, your Ancestors and your Sifu first.
    It becomes your sworn duty to honor your teachers by maintaining your lineage. To become a disciple is like adopting a parent it is not something to be taken lightly. You will swear on oath to be bound to your school & Sifu until death. A warrior’s word is like an arrow, once released; it can never stray until it strikes its target. A Yup Sut Dai Gee also takes on the responsibilities of the school’s growth. If a school does not grow it dies. So the disciple shares this burden with the Sifu. It is said if a Sifu has many Yup Sut Dai Gees, his school will prosper. Because there are many looking out for the well being of the Sifu & school.
    reprint from face book ;o)

  13. SiFu Doc Savage
    April 17th, 2018 at 13:07 | #13

    Saturday Priority:
    Chi Sau Drills
    Steal and Seal
    Inside Pak Sau
    ***Chi Gerk***
    (102 4punch if possible–footwork)

    Question/Answer on some Gon Sau drills

    Pole Form/movement and application along with the form itself.
    Knife defense/offense

  14. Bobby Beck
    March 31st, 2018 at 18:33 | #14

    I will be having a women’s self defense class on April 8,2018 at 1:00. All are welcome to come. The address is 111 Hughes Street in the Next Level Studio.

  15. SiFuDoc Savage
    March 31st, 2018 at 09:52 | #15


    Mississippi Seminar: April 28-29, 2018
    Open to All!
    Have no fear no one will know You Are here!!!
    Contact: SiFu Jerry Arnold

  16. SiFu Doc Savage
    March 26th, 2018 at 12:17 | #16

    OPEN CLASS: Sat. March 31, 2018!!!

  17. SiFu Doc Savage
    March 22nd, 2018 at 10:49 | #17

    Class sat. 8a-10a

  18. SuFu Doc Savage
    March 13th, 2018 at 10:07 | #18

    See You Sat morning 8a till 10a.

  19. SiFu Doc Savage
    March 9th, 2018 at 11:49 | #19

    “For the unsuspecting everything works…once”

    Intellectual property of SiFu Doc Savage…2018

  20. Daniel
    March 4th, 2018 at 14:34 | #20

    It’s like the doctors say…”We can’t save everyone”. When your gut tells you something aint right, is this training I’m receiving really going to save my life and you finally have the courage to go do a cross check well “have no fear no one will know you are here!” Many before you have done so and grateful for no longer being deceived. This is life and death! Remember the saying “Fight for your life!!!”

  21. Daniel
    February 27th, 2018 at 14:40 | #21

    Scenario: So there was this one married guy who at the time had a small wing chun library. IFYW says wow you have a nice collection. The other guy says oh thanks help yourself take a look if you want. Everything is great. The next day comes and IFYW comes along and takes a gander at the collection again. The other guy gets mad. IFYW says sorry man I thought you said I could help myself to your library. The other guy responds… yeah but that was yesterday.

  22. Daniel
    February 27th, 2018 at 14:13 | #22

    Aiden…stay well, remain vigilant at school!!!

  23. SiFu Doc Savage
    February 27th, 2018 at 14:11 | #23

    GOTTA WORK…No Class this SATURDAY…

  24. todd
    February 25th, 2018 at 01:41 | #24

    Really good class today.
    Thanks Doc

  25. Captain J
    February 20th, 2018 at 12:05 | #25

    Si Fu Doc Savage :
    Mississippi Seminar: April 28-29, 2018
    Open to All!
    Have no fear no one will know You Are here!!!
    Contact: SiFu Jerry Arnold

    6023 Lakeshore Park
    Pavilion #2
    Brandon, MS 39047

    The drive into the park is a 1 way, veer to the right, go all the way around and it’s the first pavilion on the right on the far west side.

  26. Si Fu Doc Savage
    February 18th, 2018 at 14:04 | #26

    Mississippi Seminar: April 28-29, 2018
    Open to All!
    Have no fear no one will know You Are here!!!
    Contact: SiFu Jerry Arnold

  27. SiFu Doc Savage
    February 10th, 2018 at 10:36 | #27

    This is not the place to voice your negative comments nor is it the place for anyone to hide their identity!
    So keep your BS to your own group and have a blessed day!!!

  28. SiFu Doc Savage
    February 9th, 2018 at 12:15 | #28

    Liza Jackson Park
    338 Miracle Strip Parkway
    No Appointment necessary!
    All are welcome!
    Classes Sat: 8am-10a

  29. SiFu Doc Savage
    February 7th, 2018 at 10:43 | #29

    Philip -get well soon!!!
    See You when you can!!!

  30. Daniel
    February 3rd, 2018 at 00:37 | #30
  31. February 2nd, 2018 at 19:43 | #31

    @SiFu Doc Savage
    Thanks SiGung!
    My computers still down, but got this from you in my Email, (am at the library) along with Kims request.. [still waiting]
    4 more weeks in my sling, then another couple months rehab before next Holt/LisaM trip. – seems like forever.

  32. SiFu Doc Savage
    February 2nd, 2018 at 12:47 | #32

    See You at Liza Jackson Park…8 am-Feb 3, 20018!!!

  33. January 28th, 2018 at 01:49 | #33

    Wow…just wow.
    I don’t want to name any names of people or organizations…but I will say that somebody whose organization rhymes with “SLIGHT POSE” must be ending up with some coins in his pockets! So you got elite soldiers, people who actually go do the fighting and not sit back in kitchen peeling potatoes and feeding the dogs…people trained by the Govt to be elite close range capable killers all saying the same thing…”FIGHT THE MAN…NOT THE KNIFE.”

    But what about the amatuers? What about the average guy with no martial training whatsoever whose only resume of experience is 10 years of power rangers and an addiction to Dragon Ball Z and Naruto? Well…while he may have no girlfriends in his resume of life experience, or immediate future for that matter…EVEN THAT NOVICE CAN LOOK AT THE PHOTO ILLUSTRATIONS circulating online of fighting knife wielding opponents by instruction of those with a “Terribly unattractive stick” in hand…and know beyond a shadow of a doubt, that only AN IDIOT WOULD ENDORSE using the last 7 inches of a 3 foot stick against a knife wielding attacker and let that same knife get within 5 inches of his torso!

    I know your reading this there, “Slight Pose”, we all know you are reading. So jabs aside, dude, really? You are going to get someone hurt, or worse…killed by teaching that utter BULLSH*T! Seriously, give me a 3 foot stick and come at me with that same attack! Worse you are teaching guys to draw the blade 2 inches from their kidneys and clap a knife arm between their arm and torso like they were clapping out an arm fart and leaving themselves with a false sense of security that is not just dishonest…its d@mn right dangerous!

    IF you didn’t know better, it would be one thing. Hell, don’t call it Shadowhand…but teach those guys the truth or just avoid the entire subject of knife fighting.

    And for any of the rest of you “Slight Posers”…get away from that guy…if you cant build the guts to find a real Shadowhand School…then go find a good karate school, or Shotokan…or anything where the teacher has had some actual experience fighting. Because that theorhetical BullSh*T is not going to save your A$$…and its not going to save your family when you are laying prostrate in an “UGLY” pool of blood, with your “UNATTRACTIVE STICK” shoved up your arse by a thug whose power ranger martial arts resume, is more legitimate than the crap everyone here, including you, knows is being discussed.

  34. JC
    January 27th, 2018 at 21:55 | #34

    When soldiers train, even from the very beginning at basic training…they are taught to shoot the human silhouette of the target…not to aim at or shoot the weapon of the enemy soldier.

  35. Kacey Smiley
    January 27th, 2018 at 21:01 | #35

    As a Marine, I loved the knife seminar! It constantly reminds me of my combat instructor, a Force Recon Marine, who taught me to always focus on my enemy. Your enemy is who you are trying to kill you, not his knife. Kill him before he uses his knife to kill you. Think of killing as having sex, you focus on the woman you are wanking and not your wanker. There are few differences in your focus on killing and sex, there is penetration, explosion of fluids, and moaning. The only difference is one is creating life and the other is taking life but if you hesitate at either, you will fail. If there is anything I have learned from my combat instructor and my time at Shadowhand Wing Chun knife seminar, if you focus on the knife and not the opponent, you will end up with two coins over your eyes. Anyone who tries to tell you otherwise should show up and prove it wrong personally rather than a Facebook post.

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