A Zen master named Gettan lived in the latter part of the Tokugawa era. He used to say:
“There are three kinds of disciples: those who impart Zen to others, those who maintain the temples and shrines, and then there are the rice bags and the clothes-hangers.”
Gasan expressed the same idea. When he was studying under Tekisui, his teacher was very severe. Sometimes he even beat him. Other pupils would not stand this kind of teaching and quit. Gasan remained, saying:
“A poor disciple utilizes a teacher’s influence. A fair disciple admires a teacher’s kindness. A good disciple grows strong under a teacher’s discipline.”
Beset with a thousand disquietudes,
I chanced upon an old woman fishing under the shady cool of creeping willows.
I wanted to ask her my thousand questions regarding the sun, moon and the creation of the universe and my purpose in life and oh so many more,
She placed her fingers on her lips: Fish are rising.
So I stood there and watched.
The freckled river shimmered with flashes of light like scales of an anaconda.
Clouds drift and tugged the blue horizon with their thick, silken strands;
Shadows of the willow grove deepened.
I felt my questions draining away.
Finally, as she slowly reeled in her line, I laughed as I saw that the line was without a hook.
How does one catch fish without a hook? I wondered.
As she turned to go, I know that tea is ready and I am invited.
Following behind her light, drifting footsteps, a gentle breeze combs through the willow branches,
I catch fragments of their whispering: A big one she caught.
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“All material contained in seminars is copyrighted and cannot be used without expressed permission from SiFu Doc Savage. Any violation will be prosecuted to the full extent of the law. ”
“SHADOWHAND does not support/condone bullying and or dictator-style tactics to maintain loyalty. Loyalty is earned not controlled!”
@EZ E(nero)
Fight the knife, lose your life.
Took me about half a second to learn that lesson, and I won’t need to revisit it. 😉
What I find amusing about a spy and or plants is when they think that no one has a clue. When you calm your mind its not that difficult to understand who is who in the zoo. Even they have their usefulness.
Wing Chun is a fighting art. Anyone who claims to be a teacher of Wing Chun and does not allow walk-ins is a coward, has no confidence in his/her abilities and not to be trusted!
Fighting the knife gets you cut. Asks Chris.
Another excellent seminar in Holt! Thank you SiGong for expanding my knowledge and perceptions of Wing Chun. The round table discussions put into practice with physical instruction truly are gems. Thank you Sifu Bobby for letting us use the compound, and for fixing the water for us.
It was great to see and train with my Shadow hand brothers.
I have been in 2 situations where someone came at me with a knife, one when someone came at me with a broken beer bottle, two situations where the person had a bat, one situation involving a golf club, and one when someone pointed a loaded gun at me. The only reason I am still alive and well is I dealt with the person in a most appropriate manner. I did not concern myself with the weapon only the person with the weapon. If anyone wants to know how each of these situations was handled I will be more than happy to demonstrate.
At some point in your Shadowhand training there was, if you will, esoteric instruction on the proper way to engage your opponent (in addition to PAP). It had to do with you, your projection/ focus /awareness. Irregardless of whether there’s a knife, bat, or just arms, legs, etc. you received this critical multi-faceted piece of information. If you don’t know what I’m talking about then go ask SiFu about it. If you are not using this in your training you are causing yourself a great disservice. Here’s a clue – your training partner is about to fool you. He’s not going to stick to the drill. Are you anticipating a right punch? What are you looking at…what are you thinking about…what are you focusing on?
Any instructor who states that you must fight the knife is gonna get you killed.
I’ve seen it first hand, and seen the aftermath of fighting the knife and fighting the wielder.
A good friend of mine is with CID and he will also attest of what I say is true, he has the scars to prove it.
Numerous inmates and Corrections Officers are dead because they fought the knife instead of taking out the wielded as the priority.
Any instructor who teaches to fight the knife needs to close up shop and go home to momma.
I found this and just wanted to share as it may lend some clarity on an idiotic fuding fudina comment made recently …”What you need to understand is that when it comes to knife fighting, you shouldn’t look at the knife as the weapon. It is the person wielding the knife that is the weapon. Therefore you should focus your attention on attacking the person and not defending against the knife.
The reason why is because by itself the knife is harmless. If you where to stick the knife in the hands of a 3 year old, you would easily disarm the child. However, if you put the knife in the hands of a 25 year old. Chances are you would feel more threatened.
It’s not because the knife got more dangerous, it’s because your opponent has. That is why our mental state isn’t chase the knife, our goal is to damage the opponent. To do this, we strike the person which is the weapon fast and efficiently….”
To fight the knife is to chase the knife. In wing chun what was taught about the butterfly knives? When knives have a soul and can fight on their own someone please call me as it will be a great business venture.
Once again, another mind-blowing seminar that takes one much deeper down the rabbit hole. Many great thanks for the wisdom imparted by Sifu Doc Savage and Sifu Bobby–and many thanks to Sifu Bobby for allowing us to use the compound once again.
Steve D…call Phillip
Philip Athy – Instructor
Southeast Florida
Thanks Doc for another great seminar. Always good to see everybody and have fun training. I always go home with a betting understanding . Thanks again Doc I had a lot of fun. Looking forward to March.
In Ft. Lauderdale, where can I get some training?
Thanks to all that attended this weekends seminar!!! Thanks Bobby for fixing the broken water line. OH!!!
Regardless of the weather a great time was had by all!!! Good friends, good students and great training as always!!!
Looking forward to March!!!
Available January 15, 2018: Power-Speed and Flexibility Manual.
In production: DVD’s; 4Punch Drill 101-4punch Drill 102-Hit Back Drill-Lock Up Drill and many more!!!
Come join us in Holt, January 13-14, 2018
Open to all!!!
Topics: SHADOWHAND” Hand to Hand Combat training.
Defense against edged weapons and many other real world tactical training applications!!!
To all my Shadowhand brothers, I wish each of you and your families will have the very best Christmas and Happy New Year!
Thanks Sifu Doc for the great insights and thanks to everyone who showed up and made the seminar possible. It was great to see and get to train with everyone.
Thanks SiGong for sharing your knowledge. Lots of good questions and great answers. Good Training with everyone. I got some good notes. Thanks Enero for the heat. Thanks again doc for helping us reach another level of understanding.
Thanks again Doc and everyone for training. Lots of good notes and really good to see everyone making progress.
One step at a time.
@Curtis Curtis, give me a call next time and I will gladly train with you when you are in Huntsville. 540.735.6683
Outstanding seminar Dec 8-10! I just wish I could have made it on Friday. Thank you SiGung Savage and crew (Justin Corey, Bobby Beck, El Nevo (EZ) Ed Holt, George and a couple of more great folks who at my age and advanced CRS names elude me. I enjoyed the seminar and help I received from each of you. I thank SiGung Savage and SiFu Corey for helping me with the pole form even though it was a bit embarrassing to stand in front of such a prestige’s group and show what I know. lol I always look forward to the seminars as I learn more and more attending each one. As SiGung said, “Don’t train with the same people all the time, it makes you lazy and predictable.” The seminars are a chance to train with the best in the biz. Again, Thank you very much for the seminar SiGung Savage!
Thanks to Doc and the FWB crew for another annual seminar. Loved the leg work, and the knife drills.
PS: …know your forms!
* a special thanks to E for the weather modification gadgets. 🙂
Another seminar made and knowledge gained. Thank you Sigong Savage for the corrections that were needed along with knowledge gained!! Thank you Enero for the cold weather caps ,Bobby, Justin and everyone else for helping me continue to grow!!!!
is not a safe space!!!
Teaches you how to be safe in any space you may be in!!!
Intellectual property of SiFu Doc Savage
Thanks to Enero we were nice and warm!!!
Cold weather never slows “SHADOWHAND” down!!!
Dress Warm!!!
4U early birds!!!
I will be at the park at 0700 Friday!!!
You can contact the school on Facebook
Rocket city Shadowhand wing chun (on Facebook)
@SiFu Doc Savage
I am in Huntsville and interested in training. How do I make contact?
Ok for those who know!!!
December Seminar will be held at Liza Jackson Park FWB.
Dec. 8-9 and 10!
Friday-Saturday and Sunday!!!
We start promptly at 9am and go till 4pm…
December will be one to remember!!!
Real knife fighting Drills!!!
Come prepared to have a Great Time!!!
Ok for those who know!!!
December Seminar will be held at Liza Jackson Park FWB.
Dec. 8-9 and 10!
Friday-Saturday and Sunday!!!
We start promptly at 9am and go till 4pm.
Topics: Forms-Drills-Chi Sao-Lop Sao “what if” Drills-Weapons and uses.
Private Lessons upon request.
Everyone is invited to attend!!!
@SiFu Doc Savage
He is a great teacher Sigung. Thanks to your teachings, he is better than he was before.
SiFu Jay Baudean is a Certified Instructor of Shadowhand Wing Chun Kung Fu.