A Zen master named Gettan lived in the latter part of the Tokugawa era. He used to say:
“There are three kinds of disciples: those who impart Zen to others, those who maintain the temples and shrines, and then there are the rice bags and the clothes-hangers.”
Gasan expressed the same idea. When he was studying under Tekisui, his teacher was very severe. Sometimes he even beat him. Other pupils would not stand this kind of teaching and quit. Gasan remained, saying:
“A poor disciple utilizes a teacher’s influence. A fair disciple admires a teacher’s kindness. A good disciple grows strong under a teacher’s discipline.”
Beset with a thousand disquietudes,
I chanced upon an old woman fishing under the shady cool of creeping willows.
I wanted to ask her my thousand questions regarding the sun, moon and the creation of the universe and my purpose in life and oh so many more,
She placed her fingers on her lips: Fish are rising.
So I stood there and watched.
The freckled river shimmered with flashes of light like scales of an anaconda.
Clouds drift and tugged the blue horizon with their thick, silken strands;
Shadows of the willow grove deepened.
I felt my questions draining away.
Finally, as she slowly reeled in her line, I laughed as I saw that the line was without a hook.
How does one catch fish without a hook? I wondered.
As she turned to go, I know that tea is ready and I am invited.
Following behind her light, drifting footsteps, a gentle breeze combs through the willow branches,
I catch fragments of their whispering: A big one she caught.
……………………………………………………..INFO WILL BE ADDED PERIODICALLY……………………………
“All material contained in seminars is copyrighted and cannot be used without expressed permission from SiFu Doc Savage. Any violation will be prosecuted to the full extent of the law. ”
“SHADOWHAND does not support/condone bullying and or dictator-style tactics to maintain loyalty. Loyalty is earned not controlled!”
Calendar of events 2016:
Oct. 12-15 LJK.
Dec.9-11 HOLT
There Will Be Blood!!!
Date Set for HOLT SEMINAR!!!
DECEMBER 8 9 10 11 2016
Make your plans to be there and plan on some pain!!!
SiFu Doug Hindman has an excellent “WOODEN MAN” for sale!!!contact him 850-832-3754.
Thanks again to Doc Savage for bringing me along the Shadowhand journey. SiFu now that I have some better questions I am getting a lot more out of your succinct answers & demonstrations. You cannot see these things until you see these things – “time in the art” as you always say.
P.S. thanks to Booby, Todd, & Scott for helping me come up with those better questions…whether you realized it or not.
Ha ha exactly!
The basics… So simple and easy.
SEPTEMBER 17-18-2016
9 am till 4 pm
bring a “NEW”notebook for this seminar!!!
I have been roped into watching internet WC videos. I started with a single video & then I went on down the right margin watching several more. I stopped watching them (WC videos) because 99% seemed shit to me.
First: What happened to simultaneous ATTACK & defense?
Second: These demos always show the attacker STOP fighting once an arm gets pinned or deflected. What fight have you ever been in that pinning an arm shuts down the attacker. Really?
Third: Chain punching. Eat a d!ck, that shit is not going to work unless the person that you chain punch is against a hard surface – such as a wall.
FFS – I’m done again! (For a while.)
@Brothers Ball – good training! Nice to have that extra set of eyes to point out the ever-present screw ups. Hey, is that not why we train. When all else fails: practice the basics.
An article about Duncan
Live at the No-Elbow-Pressre-A-Thon!
For your viewing pleasure:
enjoy! 🙂
Increase your AWEARNESS and SPEED!!!
Understand the relationship between the OODA Loops and the drills!!!
Oh and your “Understanding the pressure being applied to you by your opponent” will be greatly enhanced!!!
Don’t bitch try it!!!
copyright June 29 2016
SiFu Doc Savage
Time present and time past are both perhaps present in time future. And time future is contained in time past. -T.S. Eliot
Met a guy today that used to do some Fencing back in the day. He was telling me about how he loved it when an opponent would make a large scale move with his sword because he would be able run through that. Small moves! Positional speed! Most direct route to the target! I was loving what I was hearing & all I was hearing was SHADOWHAND WING CHUN KUNG FU!
SiGong, I just wanted to leave this note to thank you for your time last week while my family and I were vacationing in FL. I greatly appreciate your willingness to answer any/all questions and your emphasis on attention to detail. Thank you again for not holding back and for pounding this Art down to anyone of good character willing put in the time, blood/sweat/tears, money, effort, etc. to acquire it. You are a teacher, martial artist, and man for others to emulate! Thanks again!
– Ed Holt (Memphis)
For those who are interested? There will be a “Two Day” seminar in Fort Walton Beach Sept 17/18 2016.
We will be at Liza Jackson Park 9 am till 5 pm both days!!! I will be there around 730 am for those early birds who want some extra training!!!
So make plans save up some cash and attend!!!
Thank you Hope to see you soon!!!
SiFu Doc Savage
@SiFu Doc Savage
Damn!!!! Sorry I missed it.
I want to thank SiFu Tom Ashley for visiting our class today and sharing his knowledge with us on the “OLD SCHOOL” Wing Chun we learned from our SiFu Duncan Leung!!! It was great to see him after all these years and reminisce about the old days!!! I know the guys there enjoyed it too!!! Thanks again for being there!!! Hope to see you soon!!! To all in south Florida stop by his school and train with him!!!
Best of luck my old friend!!!
SiFu Doc Savage
ps love the cat!!!
Great class today! Came away with some more insights into myself; how badass is that? Still on the hunt for my personal WC goals. They are far from full realization, but I’m on the road heading towards them.
A bad day at Shadowhand is better than a great day at work!
Ryan, it was really awesome to have the chance to train with all of you, ask Sigong questions and get a real answer and not a question given as an answer. I know I speak for all the Huntsville guys along with mine in saying, we know there were holes in what we were taught on purpose. Also it was nice to finally be taught the right way and knowing for what and how as well, hang around with a teacher (father) who really teaches, and really cares about his students/family. It is really nice to know I have a Sigong that really cares about the training and the person individually. I will see you all sometime this fall!!!
It was nice to train with all you guys. I’m glad the alabama guys had the chance to train with us and learned the information that should’ve been taught to them from day 1. Hopefully you guys can all make it to florida for a seminar. Thanks SiFu for the awesome seminar and thanks to all my shadowhand brothers that were able to make it there and train with me. Peace.
Just a small note to say although I could not make the Huntsville seminar, I would have enjoyed attending this apparent unveiling. As was discerned, this family is quite a family. Although I’m probably the newest, you’ve seen the real-deal, and I look forward to training with you ‘new’ guys, and my known brothers again, soon.
As Ecclesiastes reads, there’s a time for everything.. and now we can train, laugh and bleed as one. Doc’s consistent generosity of both his knowledge, and his understanding of circumstances is what the core of the Shadowhand brotherhood, is.
There is nothing secret withheld here.. well, except for those couple sections in.. wait, nevermind. O, and speaking of brothers, it’s quite an honor to have my name listed among yours. Thanks Doc!
@Steve Crider – we did not even train together, wtf – next time around for sure! Good to see you as always.
SiGong doc, thanks for another great seminar. your knowledge is unmatched. Being able to show and explain to us the small details makes such a big difference. It was good to train with everyone and to see new people. Hope to do it again soon. Todd and Enero, thanks for the extra training after the seminar. It was a nice way to top off an already great day. Well worth the trip.
What a great time in Huntsville! Everyone was on the same page, no egos on display with one set of instructors privately going around criticizing the main instruction of the seminar. And once again, it is not the Kung fu that is the ultimate highlight for me, though there was certainly excellent Kung fu on display, being taught and shared and I experienced growth in my own Kung fu, but it was once again the aspect of FAMILY, of BROTHERHOOD on display that appealed to me most.
It is quite a different experience to see people with all levels of experience and time in the art working the same curriculum, on the same page, and in such you realize, they don’t come back time and time again because they are seeking something they lack, something they have not yet been given, but rather they come back time and time again because of what they have already gained, because of gratitude, because ultimately, “FAMILY” is and should be…”FOR LIFE.”
So for all those dedicated to seeking that “Final Technique”, that “FINAL FORM”, that one “SECRET” not yet shared with you, so that you can finally “LEAVE” your organization, well you have my pity, such a horrible way to train, such a horrible way to be trained, but I guess you cannot elevate above that of the source from which you drink.
It’s easy to say, “WING CHUN IS A FAMILY TOO”…anyone can say it…I first heard it stated in Houston in 2004, but living it, and living up to the words once one has preached them…quite another matter entirely.
REDEMPTION, GRACE, MERCY, FORGIVENESS, COMPASSION, KINDNESS…one does not usually associate such ideals with COMBAT, with MARTIAL ARTS, but such values are LIFE LESSONS in each mans walk in life, at least they should be. Such lessons are certainly FAMILY LESSONS, taught in well structured FUNCTIONAL Family dynamics…and that is why I am so proud to be considered among the ranks of my Shadowhand brothers…because we are more than the sum of a few hand forms, drills and weapons sets…we are more than possessors and practitioners of the most lethal close range combat fighting science produced from the waters of Shaolin…at our heart, at our core, we are…FAMILY. And our lessons permeate all aspects of our life, how to live in peace, to walk in harmony, every bit as much as how to stand in the face of tyranny.
IT was great to see everyone again, Bobby, Justin, Enero, Scott, Todd, Ryan, Smiley, Kelly, Jay and others and to be reunited with Jay and George, as well as making new friends Steven, Andrew, and more. I had a really great time. But more importantly, I grew, on so many levels…for helping to expose my own weaknesses, my own struggle with ego, my incompetencies in my Kung Fu as well as in life, you have by such, made me stronger. And ultimately, is that not what family is supposed to do for each other?
Thank you.
SiGong and the rest of the Shadowhand family words cant express my gratitude. Im so thankful we were all able to move beyond the past and start new. The amount of detail we went over was phenomenal. I cant believe there was some important details I wasnt shown. Those details given away is the difference between good WC and what others are doing. The 3rd hand in Gon sao #1 made so much sense especially after we were shown where it was in 1st form and also shown that we were doing that part wrong in the form. Kwon sao coming up the center vice the elbow was eye opening also. There were so many subtle gems given away that day. From what I already mentioned to the diagram he drew explaining the horse turning better. He was even kind enough to show me the pole and knife form (of coarse there was things taught wrong to me there also).
I really appreciated how SiGong was willing to answer any question asked and would make sure we really understood it before moving on. There was no b.s. answers like “yes and no”. There was no question that went unanswered. There also was always a detailed explanation to the how’s and why’s of what we were doing.
Another great aspect was that SiGongs students were all on the same page. I made it a point to ask everyone I trained with similar questions. What I got was the same answers from everyone. It didnt matter their level because they were all doing things the same way. Where I was training you could ask 3 different people the same question and get 3 different answers….smh
Thank u SiGong and Bobby for explaining to me the proper way to hang the wooden man (which I have up now and it slides good on the slats). Its funny because I did the form after I hung it and I can see why having that part of 1st form and the 3rd hand in the 1st Gon sao drill is important. Its right there in the wooden man over and over…lol and it puts u in the correct postion when u square up on the man.
All in all its was a great day of training and fun. I really enjoyed how layed back everyone was and how much cutting up we did. Good times for sure! Thanks to everyone who came and helped to put us on the right track. I know under SiGongs guidance we’ll come out smelling better than any rose 😉 Again thank you doesnt seem like enough but Thank You!
Hard to beat a lifetime of dedication and passion for something. Thanks again Doc for having the patience to keep repeating youself till we do it right. Always good getting together for some training and ball bustin. Love it.
Good stuff Enero, the every other Tues You and Fred made the trip to PC back in the day…Nice.
Well worth the drive and good to meet and train with everyone.
Sigong, Thanks for coming to Huntsville and doing a seminar. The conversations were great and the training was awesome. Bobby, Justin, Nero, Ryan, Todd, Steven, and everyone else, thanks for the better understanding, and most of all, the enjoyable time. It was awesome to see everyone having fun, laughing, joking, and still being able to train seriously. This is how I thought a REAL Kung Fu family is supposed to interact with each other, like a family and not a cult. Furthermore, I can’t believe the holes that were in my wing chun prior to the seminar. It was like I was taught a certain way in order to be caught open. I am very much happy Shadowhand has come to the Huntsville area so Wing Chun can be taught the right way!!! Thanks again and hopefully I will see all of you sometime this fall. George
Thanks for the opportunity to train with you guys at the Huntsville seminar. Had a great time and loved how questions were encouraged and clearly answered. Everyone was very helpful and great to work with. The laid back atmosphere made it really welcoming and comfortable to train around everyone. I learned a lot and had a lot fixed.
SIGung thanks for holding a seminar in Huntsville. I’ve never seen a group more serious about training and having a blast at the same time. I truly appreciate your thorough explanation of everything! I can’t wait for the next one. I appreciate everyone’s patience while working with me while I learned everything the right way!
@Brothers Ball – had a blast training after the seminar ended. When first we met my CHI FORCEFIELD was so strong that your fists could not touch me ;D now i have to use real WC or else. Glad you guys made the trip; always nice to have that extra set of eyes to catch & point out all the things I’m f@#king up.
Doc, Thanks for coming to Huntsville and doing a seminar. The conversations were great and the training was awesome. Bobby, Justin, Nero, Ryan, Todd, Steven, and everyone else thanks for the better understanding and most of all enjoyable time. It was awesome to see you all having fun, laughing, joking around all while training and being serious. This is how I thought a kung fu family was suppose to interact with each other, like a family and not like a cult. Furthermore, I can’t believe the holes that were in my training prior to the seminar. It was like I was taught a certain way in order to be caught open. I am very much happy that Shadowhand has come to the Huntsville area so wing chun can be taught the right way!!! Thanks again and I will hopefully have a chance to see ya’ll this fall!!! George