A Zen master named Gettan lived in the latter part of the Tokugawa era. He used to say:
“There are three kinds of disciples: those who impart Zen to others, those who maintain the temples and shrines, and then there are the rice bags and the clothes-hangers.”
Gasan expressed the same idea. When he was studying under Tekisui, his teacher was very severe. Sometimes he even beat him. Other pupils would not stand this kind of teaching and quit. Gasan remained, saying:
“A poor disciple utilizes a teacher’s influence. A fair disciple admires a teacher’s kindness. A good disciple grows strong under a teacher’s discipline.”
Beset with a thousand disquietudes,
I chanced upon an old woman fishing under the shady cool of creeping willows.
I wanted to ask her my thousand questions regarding the sun, moon and the creation of the universe and my purpose in life and oh so many more,
She placed her fingers on her lips: Fish are rising.
So I stood there and watched.
The freckled river shimmered with flashes of light like scales of an anaconda.
Clouds drift and tugged the blue horizon with their thick, silken strands;
Shadows of the willow grove deepened.
I felt my questions draining away.
Finally, as she slowly reeled in her line, I laughed as I saw that the line was without a hook.
How does one catch fish without a hook? I wondered.
As she turned to go, I know that tea is ready and I am invited.
Following behind her light, drifting footsteps, a gentle breeze combs through the willow branches,
I catch fragments of their whispering: A big one she caught.
……………………………………………………..INFO WILL BE ADDED PERIODICALLY……………………………
“All material contained in seminars is copyrighted and cannot be used without expressed permission from SiFu Doc Savage. Any violation will be prosecuted to the full extent of the law. ”
“SHADOWHAND does not support/condone bullying and or dictator-style tactics to maintain loyalty. Loyalty is earned not controlled!”
Thank you very much for sharing your vast knowledge of SHADOWHAND WING CHUN during the 14 May 16 Seminar in Huntsville, AL. The explanations and applications demonstrated that I learned made more sense than much of the knowledge I have accumulated in the past. The group of Sifu’s and Instructors that also attended the seminar were on the same page and this alone was encouraging and instilled a sense of confidence and excitement with a renewed interest in continuing down the path of knowledge you have developed. I hope to continue to practice and continue to learn the very real (and painful) applications that you have taught me. I have made new friends from this seminar and came away with much respect and admiration of the dedicated Shadow Hand brothers and friends. Thanks again SIGung!
@Doc – nice little road trip. Hasn’t changed my mind about becoming a truck driver. ;D Thanks for all the teaching & corrections. My understanding grows with every class, private lesson, seminar, & lunch – even if my skills lag behind.
@Bobby, @Justin, @Ryan – good times guys. Nice to have you all there for my first big Shadowhand road trip.
@Adam good to see you this past weekend in Huntsville; always a pleasure to train (& talk trash) with you.
@Phillip – Good stuff; funny. Your SiFu is headed that way, maybe he can show you & ways to make your chain-punch more effective. ;D
@Huntsville seminar attendees – good to see you all. Do not get discouraged/frustrated – we all have things to work on. That’s why we train.
@Aiden we needed the tiny giant at this seminar to lay the smack down! Next time…
I posted a few pics and the group photo on FB… (also, be sure to ‘like’ the new page to receive updates, posts, comments, etc.) Thanks.
I posted a few pics and the group photo on FB… (also, be sure to ‘like’ the new page to receive updates, posts, etc.) Thanks.
Good times at Huntsville seminar. Good to meet and train with new folks.
Sorry I had to bug out early.
Thanks to SiFu Doc for the fine details of Wing Chun. Eye opening.
Thanks to all who showed up with a learning attitude and an open mind.
Good to cross hands again with my Shadowhand brothers.
E. Common bro. Cups 1/2 full!
Their only talking about the ‘REAL’ WC in the movie, not the ‘filler’ crap.
You know, like where Donny’s in his fighting stance, with his arm out straight. {surprised they allowed that advanced tech out}
OR.. the table fight, where he just stands there and, you know, watches the guy coil down, and back up.. without kicking his face into the back of his skull.
I mean we all know Ip said, “Chill.. aggression is bad!” and, “DON’T fight unless you’re pushed around for awhile!”
Lest not forget the very cool, [and realistic], WC vs Sammo fight, and 5 minutes of just.. intercept.. and chase-hands scene. WOW -Hypnotizing!
Way looking foreword to IP3, as it ‘finally’ discloses.. hidden WC chambering.
Seminar Huntsville Al.
May 14-2016!!! contact:
Jay Baudean on FaceBook!!!
So tired of dudes watching these Ip Man movies & coming up to me telling me how awesome WC is…you haven’t seen much actual WC if all you know are the films. SIGH.
@SiFu Doc Savage
Where is the seminar being held? And what time does it start on the 14th? Thanks.
It’s time to bring all “SHADOWHAND” Ronin back to the fold!!!
We have a great curriculum to teach “SHADOWHAND” and when followed like it is taught to all in the same manner you will get the results you are after!!!
Thank you!!!
Seminar Huntsville Al.
May 14-2016!!! contact:
Jay Baudean on FaceBook!!!
For those interested in “SHADOWHAND” KUNG FU?
Please attend my class on any Saturday you chose!
We start at 8 am and train till 10 am.
Show up and I will answer all your questions.
Thank You
SiFu Savage
First I would like to give a big thanks to my sifi Doug for all his guidance, patience and helping me and my brother on this incredible journey. Also for encouraging us to go to the source. It was also nice to be on my home turf for the seminar. It was an amazing setup.
Next a big thanks to SiGong Doc for sharing his vast knowledge and wisdom and taking the time to break things down to help us understand. It has helped me a lot to be able to see where the forms are in the wooden man and understand their intent/purpose. Every seminar has been mind-blowing. Always good to see so many on the same page, eager to learn
A thank you to everyone who made the journey to train in the wooden man temple ! I enjoyed training with all my Shadowhand brothers and thanks SiFu for continuing to pass on your knowledge of Wing Chun ..
SiGong, thank you for yet another great weekend. I appreciate the fact that you are willing to fill the cup of anyone who is humble enough come to you with one empty. It is truly a honor and privilege to come to the source of Shadowhand Wing Chun and learn the intricacies of this beautiful, devastating Art. I lucked out in getting this rare opportunity, and I definitely won’t squander it!
Justin, Bobby, Doug, Ryan (‘Murica!), and Enero (with the praying hands to —– in set 4 lol), thanks for all you guys do to help me improve my Wing Chun and for always making me feel right at home.
Philip, Cpt. Jay, Aiden, Curtis, Scott, and Todd, it’s always a pleasure to see you and train with you guys!
My brother Steve, I’m glad to see you and Spanky as always. Shadowhand, f— yeah!
Can’t wait to see you all again! Oh yeah, FUD.
A great seminar, as always SiGong!
A big hat-tip to SiFu Doug and his incredible set up. Nine plus Wooden Men to work on.. Wow! Awesome to see everyone again.
Where to start? When meditating on this seminar I am somewhat astounded at what fortune we truly have..
Beginning with Ip Man and his special/complete [168 movement] WM form that he ONLY taught to Master Duncan..
who, before altering it, only taught to a select few.. OUR SiGong was one of these few.
Then, Doc’s skill in TC used the ‘Master Key’ and infused Chuan, resulting in a, “1st rule of Shadowhand” WM form that he is graciously teaching to US. THAT is mind blowing in itself.
Then topping it off, the opportunity to personally train with SiGong, you instructors, and all of you Sifu’s. That’s amazing.
SiFu Bobby, you were a big help with that pulling Quan, thank you. Todd, thanks for the help on the footwork, especially the whip-kick and stomp, on Set 8.
SiFu, your ability to teach and articulate corrections to help this krusty old man improve is a testimony to your patience. Thank you!
Doc, after watching you work the WM, especially doing those 3 small quan sau’s, Im wondering what year in training we learn to turn our arm bones into rubber. Ha Thanks again!
It’s an amazing journey, this Shadowhand system.
As always a quality seminar! Once again the devil is in the details and every single time I attend a seminar I get more of those little details. The beauty of Shadowhand is that all the movements are connected. Regardless of what the focus of each seminar is every aspect of your wing chun will benefit across the board because of those connections. Nothing is unimportant!
What a great seminar, studying, searching, and testing all the fine details of the Wooden
Man form, from the importance of position, angle, and pressure to the placement of footwork. The need to continue the educational journey is as endless details and the uses for those “hidden” details.
Thanks Sifu Doc for your generosity in sharing, from answering any questions to continue to teach well pass the hour of the seminar and taking a 1 hour private lesson and turning it into an all day event
Thanks also to Doug for hosting an awesome seminar, the facilities were amazing
Shadowhand hits hard mentally and physically. So much is passed/pounded down in so many ways I will still be learning from that for yrs to come. Thanks Doc for everything. Its always good to train and experience this with everyone but really cool to be at Sifu Dougs.
I’m glad I kept up with the three forms and stick training. Thanks for that tip Doc.
“As Iron Sharpenth Iron, so then doth the countenance of one man, sharpen another.” -Solomon
What an awesome Seminar! Thanks so much to SiGong Savage and SiFu Doug for hosting the seminar!
In every trip to another Seminar, I know the generosity of SiGong Savage by his past action, to be an overflowing
fountain of knowledge, and wealth of all wisdom of the seasoned master with an entire lifetime of experience.
The passion with which the call to both preserve and pass on the art is obvious in the instruction of every senior student
who in humility and because they know they have been taught such is the right way to pass on the art and not for mere
sake of emulation, is a testimony to the master.
Once again my trip was not without memories I will carry into the evening years of my life. I could have made excuses, sat home, wasted my
time in front of a television, or at best simply wasted my time by failing to sieze the jewel of an opportunity that is being in the direct presence and tutelage of SiGong Savage…but instead
~I got to stand with Spanky just 20 feet from a Bengal Tiger on the way to Florida…
~I got to sit in awe and near disbelief I saw “Doc” Browns Delorean time machine pass me at 88 mph on I-10 on the way home to Texas…
~For two days I walked again amongst lions,
And of the things that surprised me in the journeys of the last several days…I am once again amazed at the amount of information offered, shared, and transferred in such a short span of time…and equally amazed at the end of the seminar at my own surprise to all that I learned, as if it were my very first time in his presence…
I am a better man for having been in the presence my Shadowhand brothers, convicted to my need of greater humility in conversation, greater diligence in training, and greater responsibility to pass on the the lessons learned, as they were passed to me, sharpening others, as I have myself been sharpened having had my dull edges sharpened by the very countenance of Sao Yin.
Thank you Sir, sincerely.
Kick ass seminar. Thanks to SiFu Doc and SiFu Doug for putting it on. It is incumbent on us to absorb and pass on the knowledge. Pay attention, ask questions, understand, discern, copius notes, and practice practice practice!
Good to see all the usual suspects (Texas, Tennessee, Mississippi, and Florida). Until next time
Lots of information transmitted out. Thanks again Doc; you did it again! Thanks to Doug for hosting – great setup! As always good to see everybody learning & training together. Great teamwork guys! Until the next time, take it easy.
@SiFu Doc Savage
I believe we have a total of 6 coming down Friday evening.
“WOODEN MAN” Seminar!!!
When: Feb. 20-21-2016
Where: Panama City, Fl.
Please R.S.V.P. /A.S.P.
Thank you
Location:2820 E. Hwy 390
Panama City, FL. 32405
Time : 9am till 4 pm both days
Cost: $ 150.00 per day
I will be there Thursday for private lessons.
DVD’s and Manuals will be available.
There are some t-shirts left and maybe sweatshirts.
Attention seminar attendees!!!
Practice: the three forms, stick training, know them as best you can.
If you missed the December seminar be sure to make this one!!!
A word to the wise should be sufficient!!!
Be prepared to be flooded with information!!!
SiFu Doc Savage
Copyright 2016
Wing Chun Public Service Announcement:
Simultaneous ATTACK & defense. It’s in that order for a reason.
In keeping with the lineage & Shadowhand tradition we attack the attacker not the ______. (Fill in the blank with any weapon/object/body part you
like.) If you are putting DEFENSE first you, literally, have it backwards. Strong offense is your defense.
Never to early to make plans for the upcoming “WOODEN MAN” Seminar!!!
When: Feb. 20-21-2016
Where: Panama City, Fl.
Please R.S.V.P. /A.S.P.
Thank you
For those interested in class? Please attend my class on any Saturday you chose! We start at 8 am and train till 10 am. Show up and I will answer all your questions.
Thank You
SiFu Savage
I really enjoyed the seminar. It was a clear demonstration of the a simple application of force on the proper points of the human body can quickly resolve the most complicated and life threatening situations. Being a former cage fighter and mixed martial artist fighter, I quickly learned the difference between the practicality of Shadowhand Wing Chun Kung Fu and the impracticality of my past MMA training, when put into real life situations that call for me to end an opponent quickly for my survival. I will continue to study and apply the philosophies of Shadowhand Wing Chun, not only in my training as a fighter, but into all aspects of my life to help mold me and make me grow into a better person by applying the disciplines and theories associated with Shadowhand Wing Chun. I thank you again Sifu Doc for the incredible opportunity to train under your wisdom and experience and look forward to learning more and challenging myself to new levels.
Greetings to all!!! There will be class Saturday January 2, 2016 in the park!!!
Greetings sifu, the seminar was excellent.I had a good time with you & my kung fu brothers. You truly are the best kung fu teacher I have ever met.Your way of training is superb. See you in 365 days. Francis Jackson
Awesome as always!! Thank you Sigong for the most intense training experience I’ve ever experienced! And for the sidebar lessons as well!! Sifu Bobby special thanks for the punishment. Sifu Justin, awesome training with you as always! Enero, special thanks! You are a visionary! Special thanx to Sifu for the opportunity!! All Sifu and disciples thanx for all the training. You know, you come these seminars not knowing what to expect and get bombarded with more knowledge than you can handle! Good thing my pen was in hyper mode!! Thanx again Sigong Doc for the wisdom and the punishment and the pain. Definitely remember where it hurts!! Until next time, gentlemen!
So, Enjoy your time with family and friends. Be thankful for all the blessings you have !!!
Our next class will be January 2, 2016 !!!
Pease out ;o)
SiFu Doc