A Zen master named Gettan lived in the latter part of the Tokugawa era. He used to say:

“There are three kinds of disciples: those who impart Zen to others, those who maintain the temples and shrines, and then there are the rice bags and the clothes-hangers.”

Gasan expressed the same idea. When he was studying under Tekisui, his teacher was very severe. Sometimes he even beat him. Other pupils would not stand this kind of teaching and quit. Gasan remained, saying:

“A poor disciple utilizes a teacher’s influence. A fair disciple admires a teacher’s kindness. A good disciple grows strong under a teacher’s discipline.”



On Finding a Teacher
On one fine summer day, as I strolled aimlessly along a riverbank,
Beset with a thousand disquietudes,
I chanced upon an old woman fishing under the shady cool of creeping willows.
I wanted to ask her my thousand questions regarding the sun, moon and the creation of the universe and my purpose in life and oh so many more,
She placed her fingers on her lips: Fish are rising.
So I stood there and watched.
The freckled river shimmered with flashes of light like scales of an anaconda.
Clouds drift and tugged the blue horizon with their thick, silken strands;
Shadows of the willow grove deepened.
I felt my questions draining away.
Finally, as she slowly reeled in her line, I laughed as I saw that the line was without a hook.
How does one catch fish without a hook? I wondered.
As she turned to go, I know that tea is ready and I am invited.
Following behind her light, drifting footsteps, a gentle breeze combs through the willow branches,
I catch fragments of their whispering: A big one she caught.

……………………………………………………..INFO WILL BE ADDED PERIODICALLY……………………………

“All material contained in seminars is copyrighted and cannot be used without expressed permission from SiFu Doc Savage.  Any violation will be prosecuted to the full extent of the law. ” 

“SHADOWHAND does not support/condone bullying and or dictator-style tactics to maintain loyalty.  Loyalty is earned not controlled!”  


  1. Ed Holt
    December 21st, 2015 at 19:47 | #1

    Thank you, SiGung, for such an informative seminar! It really is an honor, privilege, and pleasure to come to FL to learn Shadowhand Wing Chun. I don’t take for granted the fact that what you are pounding down to your students is the gold standard. Too bad for anyone who can’t/won’t take the time to learn what you have to teach! They’re missing out! “Learn the lessons of the drills!” “Practice your forms daily.” “Read the books!” “Ask questions!” “Study, search, and test!” Thank you for taking the time to present the Art to us as it was presented to you!

    Bobby, Justin, Enero, Ryan, Steve, et al.: thank you for being true brothers in Wing Chun! A great time had by all! Looking forward to the next one!

  2. December 19th, 2015 at 23:53 | #2

    Thank you for a great Seminar!
    All the lessons were awesome and I really enjoyed the knife and stick fighting training, but as someone else pointed out, the basics on Forms on Friday stands out as some of the most beneficial lessons for myself. As always the thing I enjoy most of these seminars, is the fellowship, the brotherhood. Spanky and Isaiah really enjoyed themselves as well.

    Getting stabbed in the throat, thrown through the air, having knuckles and other joints cracked…well worth the journey and I can’t think of another group of guys I’d rather have handing my ass to me to insure no one else will!

    A special thanks to Bobby for the hospitality, and to all who proved at Shadowhand, no one stands alone!

  3. December 18th, 2015 at 17:11 | #3

    Thank you SiGung for another amazing seminar!
    You began with the alphabet within the forms, then smoothly injected those letters and words into paragraphs of devastating drills. Amazing because of your ability to construct an intense progression within those sessions.
    Beginning a session with a somewhat simple technique [bad guy grabs -WC guy, just raises arm -bad guy gets concussion] to increased devastation with each successive session. [Psyco attacks -use knife to remove his larynx]

    Trigger points vs Pressure points to “thickening”.. awesome education and again, all from the forms. Wow. Really glad I found Shadowhand and to meet, and know my SH brothers.
    Thanks SiFu for your time on firearm mechanics and sign evaluation. Ed, your Dit really works, thanks bro! Todd, hope you enjoy that tracking book.
    Also, a huge “Thank You” to Bobby for the use of his property for our training.
    Looking forward to next time.

    and Bobby.. build a higher burm. lol

    “Nobody ever defended anything successfully. There is only attack, and attack, and attack some more!” -George Patton

  4. SiFu Doc Savage
    December 18th, 2015 at 12:57 | #4

    My deepest thanks to all who attended the annual seminar hosted by SiFu Bobby Beck!!!
    It’s my honor to teach such a fine group of dedicated students. My indentation is to pass down a system as pure as the way I learned it.
    It’s up to you to keep it that way!!!

    SiFu Doc Savage-2015

  5. Aiden Savage
    December 16th, 2015 at 01:52 | #5

    Great Seminar, Don’t get knifed!

  6. Adam
    December 15th, 2015 at 13:59 | #6

    Thank you SiFu for an awesome seminar. Glad I was able to be there Friday (Meat and Potatoes) for the breakdown of the first 3 forms. Saturday’s training was great. Too bad, I could not stay for Sundays. To echo Ez E, OWWW! Thanks Ed for the Jow! I have put it to good use. Nice to see and train with everyone. Until next time.

  7. December 15th, 2015 at 13:45 | #7

    Ouchstanding–so much in that one word.
    Knives, defense and offense.
    Poles/Sticks, defense and offense.
    Considering my new day job, this knowledge is priceless!!!
    Another awesomely cool training weekend with so much information it once again brings smoke and cobwebs outta your brain, in order for the concepts to take root.
    A HUGE thanks for SiGong Doc for imparting his infinite amount of Shadowhand Wing Chun knowledge on us. IT’S ALL IN THE FORMS.
    A big thanks to the Disciples also, and to all the others that attended.
    It was a GREAT training weekend–looking forward to the next one.

  8. Todd
    December 14th, 2015 at 19:12 | #8

    Well now…wasn’t that a great way to spend your weekend? It’s like a gift that keeps on giving and I will remember where those sweet spots are. Thanks Doc for everything I learned a ton and had a blast. Its all in/in all the forms.
    Good to see and train with everyone.

  9. EZ E(nero)
    December 14th, 2015 at 01:21 | #9

    December 2015 is in the record books. We learned lots of fantastic techniques; cannot say there was a single new “BEST” technique to highlight. I had three in particular that spiked the cool-o-meter, but everything was efficient & brutal. We like this, no?

    I quite enjoyed doing the first 3 forms at the beginning of the day on Friday. BASICS; cannot go anywhere without them. The focus on the First Rule of Wing Chun was the standout aspect of the seminar. We really mixed it up! We put a nice point on the end of 2015 with some high quality training; I think we can all agree – OWWW!

    Thanks JC for helping me with my rifle game. As always my hat is off to ALL of the road warriors. Echoing Bobby, your actions speak loud & we hear & respect you. To the newer guys: keep going over what you have learned so that you do not lose any of it over time. Really, that applies to
    all of us.

    SiFu you always bring forth good WC things, but I think you may have outdone yourself with this one. Anxiously awaiting the next time!

  10. JC
    December 13th, 2015 at 21:58 | #10

    Thanks to Doc for the continued knowledge and journey into the rabbit hole. I went to this seminar especially for the knife part and Doc never fails to deliver.

  11. JC
    December 13th, 2015 at 21:56 | #11

    Another great December retreat. Sorry I couldn’t stay for Sunday. It was great to see and train with all my Shadowhand brothers.
    I especially enjoyed training you guys in firearm fundamentals and basic mechanics.

  12. Bobby
    December 13th, 2015 at 20:19 | #12

    What a great seminar!!!! The guys that travel so far show such dedication and desire to improve their Wing Chun abilities. It was great to see old friends and meet new ones to train with, thank you Justin for the firearms training to go along with the self defense that Doc teaches us and thanks to Sifu Doc for continuing the advancement of my Wing Chun by helping me to get closer to doing the techniques to a high level of perfection and for showing us that there is no limit to the depth of your understanding of Wing Chun.
    And Smiley, I hope your eye and shin are okay

  13. EZ E(nero)
    December 13th, 2015 at 04:14 | #13

    There is nothing new to say about our year end seminar: it is always good! The teaching is top notch; thanks again Doc.

  14. SiFu Doc Savage
    December 6th, 2015 at 11:39 | #14



    To all, please update your info, too !!!


  15. SiFu Doc Savage
    November 24th, 2015 at 11:17 | #15

    DECEMBER 11-12 & 13, 2015
    HOLT, FL.
    “Si vis pacem, para bellum“
    (If you want peace, prepare for war)

  16. JC
    November 22nd, 2015 at 22:28 | #16

    Wing Chun “Gun” Fu!
    As we approach another winter retreat in Holt…please be aware that as time allows, I am available for instruction in firearms handling, weapon manipulation drills, shot mechanics, etc. (depending on where your current skill level is at).
    If you attended this in previous years, you know what to expect and what to bring. Payment will be same as last time. If you forgot to bring payment last time, please remember to bring it!
    Questions? Contact me. Thanks in advance! See you soon I hope!

  17. SiFu Doc Savage
    November 10th, 2015 at 10:56 | #17

    30 days III

  18. JC
    November 6th, 2015 at 12:40 | #18

    When your mind is the weapon, you are never unarmed

  19. SiFu Doc Savage
    November 6th, 2015 at 12:23 | #19

    Many can train you But Only experience can teach you!!!
    “Dave Canterbury”

    So train for real every time you come to class
    Cause when you leave it’s for real!!!
    “SiFu Doc Savage”

  20. Joseph
    November 3rd, 2015 at 19:04 | #20

    Hi everyone, this is my first time on Jut Sup. Just wanted to give a belated thank you to SiFu Dar for the October seminar. And the surprise visit from SiFu Justin. It is very eye opening when someone (SiFu Justin) makes you consciously aware of something you were already doing instinctively. Even though i learned much in the seminar i feel like the concept of shifting your weight as you use your footwork (outside of just turning your horse) as well as bridging was well worth it. Thank you once again, I hope to see you all in December.

  21. SiFu Doc Savage
    October 31st, 2015 at 11:40 | #21

    Your body can stand almost anything.
    It’s your mind you need to convince.

  22. JC
    October 29th, 2015 at 16:56 | #22


    Thanks Mark. A pleasure to meet & train with the Mississippi crew.

  23. Mark
    October 27th, 2015 at 18:56 | #23

    Mississippi Sifu Dar explosion was an absolute success! Thank you Sifu Dar for coming down and bestowing your wisdom upon us! Special thanks to Sifu Justin for coming down. Nothing could have prepared me for what I witnessed this weekend. Got to see two legends in action! We beginners get the privilege to train but really getting a chance to see firsthand the mastery of the art in realtime combat really opens your eyes to how this training is supposed to be applied. It was difficult not to sit back and mentally download Sifu Dar and Sifu Justin during unscripted drills.(especially when we had our own attackers to deal with!) It was my first time meeting Sifu Dar and my first time seeing Sifu Justin( in action of course!) minus the McRib wrapper! So a lot of firsts for me! I know it might be hard to tell cuz I keep a stern mug most of the time… But I really enjoyed myself and I learned a lot! Thanks again everyone that came out! Many thanks again to Sifu Dar. The Legend is Real people! Many thanks to The Real American Badass Sifu Justin! Denzel was watching you buddy! And Sifu Jay! Last but certainly not least thank you Sigung Doc for if it were not for you passing down the knowledge to your disciples it may have never graced my ears. Thank you all and I hope to see everyone in HOLT in December!!

  24. SiFu Doc Savage
    October 27th, 2015 at 13:14 | #24

    It’s never too early to plan for HOLT-December 11-12 & 13, 2015 !!!

  25. SiFu Doc Savage
    October 5th, 2015 at 21:06 | #25

    The more you know the less you carry. Mors Kochanski

  26. todd
    October 5th, 2015 at 01:49 | #26

    Precision, “the void” and “relax and let it happen”. Not really my thoughts but interesting to think about. Especially together.

  27. EZ E(nero)
    October 4th, 2015 at 00:15 | #27

    Moment of Realization: Just mulling over today’s class & what I guess can be referred to as “multi-directional” attacks, that is, moving in one direction while striking in a separate direction.

    As with everything WC the closer you look the more you see. Footwork, blending of techniques/forms, intent, & maintaining your structure throughout. Proper positioning has always been a focus, but today really illustrated how WE create our working space. Since the direction & energy of any strike landed moves the attacker to the next point & ultimately the next strike, it is now painfully obvious why my technique has to be as exact as possible. I do not want to guess or chase him to the next point, although I should be able to do that too. I want to know this hit sends them “that” way which places them on point “X” every time. Creating my own workspace & “juggling” the attacker. You cannot juggle if you don’t put everything where it is supposed to be. Sticking with the juggling analogy: timing & energy/force also have to be in balance too. Anyway that’s what I walked away with.

    Any thoughts or pointers Jut Sup’ers?

  28. EZ E(nero)
    September 20th, 2015 at 02:05 | #28

    @myself – you need spellcheck clown – TOGETHER

  29. EZ E(nero)
    September 20th, 2015 at 01:47 | #29

    If you treat it like some esoteric thing that will never come to pass, you are doing it wrong. Whether or not it comes to pass. Training should get you ready for when things go sideways & really wrong. We should be in season out of season…

  30. JC
    September 11th, 2015 at 18:22 | #30

    @EZ E(nero)
    Yep…a wise man once said: “your body is a unit, train it like one”

  31. EZ E(nero)
    September 11th, 2015 at 00:56 | #31

    To paraphrase Doc: Your body is a whole; use it as a whole. None of this arms only & then feet only – “TOGEHTHER!”

  32. Bobby
    August 28th, 2015 at 14:55 | #32

    Recently I was asked why I still choose to continue to learn from Sifu Doc, since in their opinion it will be very unlikely that anyone will ever mess with me and if they did I will most likely seriously injure any attacker. My response was,” every time I train with Doc, my Wing Chun brothers, or someone wanting to try there stuff against me, I learn more from those experiences.”
    This past weekend proves that statement, I learned so much from everyone there and from Sifu Doc’s insight that there is no way I could progress without that experience. Anyone who thinks they can learn all they need in just a few short years and then be able to fill in the gaps themselves is in for a rude awakening, perhaps like someone putting them in a rear naked choke hold in front of an entire class and not be able to get out of it.

  33. August 26th, 2015 at 00:24 | #33

    As I digest life’s experiences of the last few days, I am taken back to a moment in time, a moment of realization. IT is the moment of arrival…

    The door opens and immediately There is “SOMETHING” there, in the air…one can feel it…almost taking form, but one can’t quite touch it, one cannot quite see it or put a form upon it…
    …one can hardly shackle it with definition, but one can feel it,

    …“I” can feel it.

    There is something there, perhaps it is the recognition of a dream whose origin I can pin to a life’s dream born into a 9 year old boy long ago after spending an entire day at the matinee watching a marathon of movie genre’ with his dad and learning the word “KUNG FU” for the very first time. Perhaps it is something else, but I recognize the journey has been long and arduous, but certainly worth it, and as I step out of my van, as I stand upon the Florida soil, a sigh of exhaustion from the road leaves my body, a body still energized with enthusiasm for the coming fellowship and many lessons which live in this moment, only in my anticipation. As the breath continues to leave, my the evidence of my sigh fades into oblivion and my facial muscles conceal it’s once presence with a smile and as I inhale my next breath, I breathe it all in, the realization of so many hopes and dreams born long ago…the Florida air laden thick with humidity, and recognize rather contently, I have Arrived. Still, I can feel it, there is “SOMETHING” there, something eluding definition, that cannot simply be described as more than a sensation, but rather something that must be recognized as, a “PRESENCE.”

    I am soon greeted with an enthusiastic hello, signaling that my presence is not only welcome; but through many conversations, jests, and moments of shared silence; in hindsight, I recognize I was,
    I have been, and I am IN THE PRESENCE OF…FAMILY.

    Time soon gives way to lend itself to the purpose for which the journey was made as reunion fades, brothers become classmates, and the patriarch, becomes the teacher. When I stand before him,
    I see it in his eyes, he knows exactly what I am, and he knows exactly what I am not. He sees in me something I do not yet recognize…the presence of something more, potential for growth, and as each lesson passes, a moment comes, a breakthrough, and suddenly I recognize in myself, SOMETHING is there, something MORE…something he imparted yet simultaneously saw potential of with the first glance. In the midst of self discovery one must recognize this growth did not happen alone there was A PRESCENCE fostering its growth all along, and you can feel it, it takes form, the dwelling place of lions The days to come are long and hot, but pass quickly given the zeal of the student in the presence of
    his teacher. There comes a point when I lose myself and the sensation returns to a formless state, a presence that dwells in the shadows…each person present to learn and a humility that fills the air, as brothers lift each other up, sharing knowledge rather than seeking position, exuding grace rather than self exaltation, there is a presence that seeks to empower all in attendance, to lift each in growth and
    again becomes difficult to define…perhaps what I am feeling is “THE PRESENCE OF THIS PLACE…this place called HOLT.”

    IN this place, something DWELLS, a living force that breathes in unison with all of creation and exhales a realization that what is most clear, is that in this place I am not in this place, lost, I sense BELONGING.
    Still it lingers, that presence from the shadows, there is a certain presence of danger but I am not fearful for it is clear I am not walking den of snakes but nor do I walk through a rose garden. This place has a pulse, a heartbeat which can be felt, it is HIS HEARTBEAT…and it beats in the hearts of all around, all he calls his own…and the danger becomes clear with each beating pulse, HE, is the danger in the jungle, and as his pulse beats in heart in this place, as I feel the very pulse beat in all around me, in unison I feel the percussion of my own chest pounding…I realize that standing among them, I STAND with them, in the dwelling place of lions I am standing IN THE PRESENCE OF…THE PRIDE.

    IN my own struggle with ego I confess One cannot help but admire the skill of one’s older brothers and hope for the time hard work will reward oneself with the same. But as the lessons are taught, I observe in the eyes of even the most skilled of my brethren, a focus that is both intense and absorbent, and I realize as I behold each frantically taking notes that the gaze I see, that sponge like stare in the eyes of each testifies to one seeking truth and receiving it for the very first time…and at varied positions in time a look worn upon each person, testifying that IN HIS PRESENCE, we are all…STUDENTS.

    Not once has he slandered his own teacher, rather he praises him often and then, The confession comes…in humility and candor, the teacher proclaims “I AM A STUDENT TOO! WE ARE ALL STUDENTS! I AM STILL LEARNING…if you were to see me in the presence of my TEACHER even today…I would be acting just like you guys…” and in that moment, you recognize you are witnessing both honor and humility IN THE PRESENCE OF…MASTERY.

    If this day were to define itself as my very last…

    If I could only speak for myself in giving answer;
    If I could not answer for the lives of others…but just that of my own…I would not answer that I have simply been to a seminar, nor would I answer that I have spent time with family, though I did all those things. And while I am grateful for so many gifts life itself has brought even in these last days…a leg to stand on, A LEG TO KICK, a HAT that perfectly suits me, and many laughs and smiles worn and to wear…

    If I had to answer the question asked, as to what I have done in the last week…if this were my last day, and such an answer could quite possibly serve to define my very life…

    I would simply say, that I count myself fortunate that In these last few days, I have dwelt with family and I have beheld the hearts of lions…in these last few days I have experienced self discovery and the lion within, and in these last few days I have witnessed Honor, Humility, Humor, Authenticity and Mastery, I have witnessed Shadowhand… I have stood IN THE PRESENCE OF… SAO YIN.

  34. todd
    August 25th, 2015 at 04:31 | #34

    Thanks again to my Sifu Doug , for pounding everything down and telling us time and time again to ” Go to the source”. Its the way it was pounded down to him and I’m forever grateful for this pounding. Without that I would not have had the opportunity to experience the same (kinda) pounding he got. Thank you Doc.

    Disclaimer: “Its not my fault if I hit you in the balls” …I fixed that quick(kinda), Thanks Bobby.

    Don’t look at the “level” and don’t look at the “hammer” : ).
    Wake up and step away from the football. Thanks Doc and everyone else for the assist.
    Got a lot to work on and looking forward to training with and without everyone. I got homework.

  35. EZ E(nero)
    August 25th, 2015 at 01:51 | #35

    KNUCKLE-DRAGGER-NUANCE-A-THON 2015 was, as always, a great learning experience. Thanks SiFu for all the information that you transmitted in words & more so deeds. I felt those pinning legs & “trapping” feet – I know you!!!

    Tip of the hat to all my Shadowhand dudes that made the scene, good times had by all. Looking toward attaining new heights in my WC & the next seminar.

    Echoing the words of appreciation for the use of the property – thanks Bobby! Your place is a perfect, distraction-free environment to get down to WC business.


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