A Zen master named Gettan lived in the latter part of the Tokugawa era. He used to say:
“There are three kinds of disciples: those who impart Zen to others, those who maintain the temples and shrines, and then there are the rice bags and the clothes-hangers.”
Gasan expressed the same idea. When he was studying under Tekisui, his teacher was very severe. Sometimes he even beat him. Other pupils would not stand this kind of teaching and quit. Gasan remained, saying:
“A poor disciple utilizes a teacher’s influence. A fair disciple admires a teacher’s kindness. A good disciple grows strong under a teacher’s discipline.”
Beset with a thousand disquietudes,
I chanced upon an old woman fishing under the shady cool of creeping willows.
I wanted to ask her my thousand questions regarding the sun, moon and the creation of the universe and my purpose in life and oh so many more,
She placed her fingers on her lips: Fish are rising.
So I stood there and watched.
The freckled river shimmered with flashes of light like scales of an anaconda.
Clouds drift and tugged the blue horizon with their thick, silken strands;
Shadows of the willow grove deepened.
I felt my questions draining away.
Finally, as she slowly reeled in her line, I laughed as I saw that the line was without a hook.
How does one catch fish without a hook? I wondered.
As she turned to go, I know that tea is ready and I am invited.
Following behind her light, drifting footsteps, a gentle breeze combs through the willow branches,
I catch fragments of their whispering: A big one she caught.
……………………………………………………..INFO WILL BE ADDED PERIODICALLY……………………………
“All material contained in seminars is copyrighted and cannot be used without expressed permission from SiFu Doc Savage. Any violation will be prosecuted to the full extent of the law. ”
“SHADOWHAND does not support/condone bullying and or dictator-style tactics to maintain loyalty. Loyalty is earned not controlled!”
Another information overload weekend! (M i n d – b o t t l i n g ! 😉 ha ha) Coming back to basics only to find that, yes I missed that & I’ve seen it 1000 times. In specific the Steal & Seal footwork when moving backwards. I totally freelanced my own technique on that one & have often wondered “Why is my lead foot getting stepped on so frequently?” Abre los ojos mijo…the light is on now. Thanks SiFu! The issue of maintaining forward pressure while moving backwards still looms large but hey, I’m not PhD at this WC biz just yet. The only thing missing this seminar were the guys who were missing this seminar, & I hope to see them again soon.
So to SiFu, Bobby, Justin, rAiden the lightning god, Todd, Scott, Ed, Kelly, & Nick I say thanks for bringing good energy & attitudes with you. My hat is off to all Tennessee Shadowhanders – aka those hard-driving dudes. No doubt getting the raw uncut WC is always worth the trip, but that’s real dedication to the art! You guys inspire me to get off my butt & train. NW Florida crew will keep training so that we can always play our supporting role in making those long trips worthwhile.
Position; Angle; Pressure.
Receive (what comes); Follow (what goes); Hit (what let’s go.)
Study; Search; Test.
Yesterday as I was going to church I ran into a buddy who was a former Army Ranger, he introduced me to his Special Forces buddy he served with and mentioned that he has studied Wing Chun as well. After a few minutes of discussion he asked who I trained under and I said Doc Savage, his response was,” wow I heard of him, he is one bad dude.”
I am so thankful to have the honor to not only get to meet the legend but to train under and to call him my friend. Anyone who would give that up because of ego is an idiot.
Thanks to all that attended the seminar. My thanks to SiFu Bobby who’s generous use of his home in Holt to accommodate all that attended, without which the seminar would have not been so successful.
I enjoyed the great feeling of family among my SHADOWHAND Brothers. Hard work and lots of pounding down was at hand! Keep up the good work and we will see you next time in December for the three day festival in Holt!
The seminar was great, I guess you could say our teacher, Doc, deserves a STANDING ovation. I hope the Memphis crew had a good time. I also hope that we will have a great turnout at the next gather up.
Another seminar, and another reminder of how little I know about wing chun…especially when interacting with SiFu Doc and my Shadowhand brothers. Many thanks to SiFu Doc for imparting the details of wing chun to us. As always, a big thanks to Bobby for the use of his training area and facilities…and the use of his fists and feet in order to drive home certain lessons! hahaha.
Memphis crew: a long drive, lots of lost sleep…but hopefully the trip was worth it! Ed: thanks for letting my side kick through to find its way to your chest! 🙂
I’d just like to say that the person I was most impressed with was Aiden. That boy gets better and better each time I visit and yet he is humble and open to all the various Seniors who work with him, etc. Well done Aiden.
Thanks to Enero and Bobby for the side bar conversations and training opportunities.
It is always a long drive for me, but always worth it ten times over.
Till the next visit…….
Great seminar once again, the drills to teach and enhance our chi Sao are mind boggling. I would like to thank Justin for making the trip to Holt, as always you make sure I do my part correct or I get hit. I also want to thank Sifu Doc for continuing to improve my skill level. Thanks als to all the guys who showed up with an open mind and great attitude that makes the seminar fun. Finally I want to thank Ed for educating me on the proper Wude, I never would have known I was supposed to stand and wait for Sifu to choose his seat before I could sit.
Time to bring your “A” Game to Holt for the Combat Chi Sao Seminar.Oct. 17-18
Bring your mind not your …Bull Shit!
I will not let anyone walk through my mind with their dirty feet. ~Mahatma Gandhi
Side Bar: Instructor evaluation and renewal available at the seminar.
SiFu Savage
Combat Chi Sao Seminar will be in Holt the 17th & 18th of Oct, Friday & Sat. I will be there on Friday 9an to hold Private Lessons!
R.S.V.P. via my email.
Remember the door is open to anyone to come and train. The seminars are packed with information which you will be able to use immediately not years down the road!
Read the reviews on the web site and you will see what a great time and experience you will have!
Don’t be fooled by naysayers, come see and be part of Wing Chun from someone with 38 years experience in wing chun, from the fighting aspect!
Thank You for your time.
SiFu Doc Savage
I will give you a call.
To ponder-eth whilst ye wander-eth:
– don’t learn with an ego
– don’t train with an ego
– don’t teach with an ego
– don’t fight with an ego
~”Humble…like the dust”
The attention he gets makes him happy. He doesn’t put this stuff up on his site for his students to read, this stuff is put up for YOU to read. He charges some of his students with the task of stirring up mischief so people will talk about him. His students think that they are serving their teacher by defending his character, inadvertently making the entire school look bad. You humiliated him in front of his students and made him feel irrelevant in his own mind. His only form of retaliation is by keeping you engaged in this back and forth banter. He can’t face any of you physically because he knows what happened before will happen again. His students know that none of them could handle any of you “physically.” The sad thing is that he is smart enough not to say anything himself, he lets his students put their name on it and ruin their reputation while he retains the image he’d like to uphold. This is how he gets his happiness. Act like he no longer exists, and you will take away his happiness. Martial Arts schools do not build a reputation by talking shit on the internet, they build a reputation by producing fighters (or martial artists). Go back and read Thunder in the Sky, he is using the tactics very well, some of you are falling right into it. He posts this stuff, you post a retort, he shows his students and says “see, if I were so full of shit, why do these guys get so upset?” Then, to his students, he looks like a “victim” and his students feel they must defend his honor. This way ,they don’t even think of it as “their teacher making them,” they WANT to do it, because they are being manipulated. They see this stuff as “evidence”, because their teacher trained them to see it that way. Maybe some of you actually enjoy this back and forth banter. He just doesn’t matter. The truth is already here for the world to see.
…back to training please
With Shadowhand WC for almost four years; trained with &/or at least touched hands with Jeff Tucker, John S., Rene, & Stan W. all four of whom have trained with SiFu Doc “back in the day.”
All four have WC that looks the same as mine. (Which is not to say that I am on the same level as any of them.) I have seen all of them walk away from seminars with new knowledge of the covered WC technique(s) each time they have attended. No “new” or “changed” WC occurred. These were the same topics (pulled right out of SLT, CK, BJ, MYJ, & LDBK) that they already were familiar with, but applied in new ways to new situations. I routinely experience this same expansion of my knowledge & understanding. With the increase in my knowledge of the forms my foundation cures a bit more & the stage is further set for my learning & growth in WC.
Knowing the drill does not guarantee that you mastered the drill. It doesn’t even mean that you understand what is transpiring within the drill. It wasn’t until I reached a certain baseline understanding that I began to understand some of the nuances to the things that I had heard SiFu say many times. He always said the same things. These things just flew over my head because I did not know enough to consider them thoroughly & then comprehend them.
My take away is that you cannot “Master” WC, & certainly you do not know everything there is to know about WC in a few years. It’s a journey, not a destination. Knowing all the parts of a sextant doesn’t make you a navigator; navigating makes you a navigator. Learn your art & love your art! Loving it requires you to “study, search, test, & prove.”
I was not around when the “falling out” occurred. To you Keyboard Conans that talk all this trash about Sifu Savage I ask these simple questions:
How many times have you seen the student surpass his teacher?
If your WC instructor learned from SiFu Savage (your SiGong) & became his disciple, but now tries to discredit SiFu Savage, does not that make you call his integrity & character into question? (Have you ever read his glowing recommendations of SiFu Savage?)
Lastly, if your WC is superior to the WC SiFu Savage is teaching why did you mention Alabama being a stand your ground state? (Shouldn’t your WC be more than enough for you to “stand your ground?”)
Come out to the coast, we’ll have a good time.
As with most post you might see on White Rose page, he references a quote from Sifu Savage stating” the knives are a gift from the Sifu but they come with a curse, they cut the relationship with the Sifu.”
What Dustin leaves out is why does it cut the relationship. The reason is when most people learn the knives they feel they have learned the whole system since it is the final form. It is true to some extent, but like all curses it is up to the individual to let the curse have control. I was taught the knife form around 10 years ago, I am still learning it because my ego does not get in the way of my desire to learn more and become a better martial artist. If anyone questions my effectiveness with the knives they should ask Dustin what happened when he tried to attack me with the pole in a private discussion with Sifu Doc at James’ school in Houston.
I just wanted to take a moment to say thank you again to SiGong Savage, and to all of you for embracing me as family. I am very grateful for the friendships I have made, and the lessons I have learned. Moreso, I am grateful for the example of all my seniors in the art, and in Shadowhand Wing Chun Kung Fu, the greatest lesson I have learned at each of hands lies in the loyalty to exhibit in your walks in life, and the manner you emulate the example of SiGong Savage by seeking to empower those who come into presence with a heart set on genuinely seeking the truth, and learning Wing Chun. I pray I pay it forward in my walk, and with others I encounter as they are brought into my path.
I look forward to seeing all those I met in June, again in December, and meeting some of you I have not yet met in person.
“NO Retreat, No Regrets”
– Steve
Hey Brad , I am training with some students privately when I am in Panama City . Let me know if you want to train !
Are there any plans for Sifu Doug to hold class in Panama City?
Nice write up Ryan. Puts everything in perspective and lays it all out.
If Doc has gone off the deep end (as someone suggested)…then it’s in the deep end of the Wing Chun pool! That’s a deep deep well of water that the lucky ones are still drinking. 😉
Not the DUSTIN DRAMA again ? Well I for one am sick of Dustin and his face book / myspace / internet crap.. I have been friends and trained with SiFu Doc Savage since 1997 and he has never changed his Wing Chun it has always been the same ! if you try to hit him you will probably wind up getting your ass handed to you ! and if you are serious about learning Wing Chun he will still train you . I have never seen anyone that had to be carried out by EMS ! those that come to train to fight with Wing Chun the old school way will walk away with some pain and maybe a cut or lump or two or three …LOL that’s how it goes training at a REAL WING CHUN SCHOOL with SiFu Robert Doc Savage !! and to you Dustin I say go tell mommy to put a power ranger bandage on your cut lip for you !!! LOL Dustin come on what a puss you are maybe you could rub some Vagisil cream on your boo boos or get Jay to help you put on some big boy pull ups and start training like you were taught when you were lucky enough to have a SiFu like Doc Savage spend his time training someone unworthy like YOU !!!
My name is Ryan Corley and I have been a student of SiFu Doc Savage for almost 5yrs. I am writing this to address the issues between the two schools. The reason I have the right to write this letter is because I was involved in some of the matters at hand and am also an eye witness to some of the events that have taken place. This is my first time addressing these issues that started the rift between Dustan Carroll and SiFu Doc Savage. I have been quiet thus far concerning the internet/facebook comments made from both schools except for one comment that is available for all to read on the Shadowhand website. I write this letter of my own accord and have not been prompted to write it. If any of my Shadowhand brothers who were present at the event I am about to describe please correct me. The reason why I’m speaking now is because the negative comments have gone too far for far too long. First off, SiFu Savage has never maliciously hurt anyone or wrong, cheat, or defraud anyone. Jay Baudean posted a comment on his facebook to demoralize SiFu Savage and his comments were completely false and I’ll get to why he thinks that way in a minute. SiFu Savage charges a minimal amount of money for his classes and private lessons (which are still the cheapest prices in the area for martial arts training). There is no fee for becoming a disciple of SiFu Savage. The requirements are time in the art, hard work, dedication, and a demonstration of proficiency in all aspects of wing chun training, forms, drills, and theory. After becoming a disciple SiFu Savage only requires that you come to a seminar once a year to train. SiFu Savage has never denied anyone in his school except those who were not of moral character (bullies, drug addicts, etc). Injuries that may have been incurred during training were never of malicious intent. Anyone in a martial arts school who were learning to deal with real life situations will get injured at some point. There is a saying in the wing chun community that it is “pounded” down not passed down. That doesn’t mean beating up students for the hell of it to make one self feel superior. It means that wing chun is intense and we train real life situations as real as possible without seriously injuring our training partner. That means sometimes someone gets a busted lip, bruised eye, bruised shins and forearms, etc. It happens. Any real martial arts school would understand that. SiFu Savage has never bullied any of his students. He demonstrates and trains with us. I have never been seriously or maliciously hurt by SiFu Savage nor have I ever witnessed him doing that to any other person.
The deal between Dustan Carroll and SiFu Savage is simple. It has to do with Dustan Carroll misunderstanding and believing his own lies or he is maliciously intending on hurting SiFu Savage’s reputation. That I’m not completely sure of but I am sure of where and how it started before the falling out because I was there. I first met Dustan Carroll six months into my wing chun career. It was a seminar held in Huntsville Alabama. Dustan opened his home to me and I was very grateful for that because I didn’t have money for lodging. SiFu Savage informed Dustan I was trustworthy and Dustan let me stay in the spare room at his house. I am still grateful for that. Me and Dustan got along great as we are both military veterans. He was in the Army and I am in the Air Force. We would crack jokes at each other about Army vs. Air Force stuff and train kung fu. The seminar was great and the extra training in Dustan’s garage with the rest of the Shadowhand students and disciples was awesome and mind blowing. I got to see all the open hand forms, wooden man form, pole form, and knife form. That was awesome to see only after six months of training. I was in the right place at the right time.
The second time we went to Huntsville for a seminar I was about two years into my wing chun career. The events of the seminar is what led to the falling out. Again when I met up with Dustan we were back throwing jokes at each other and having a good time. I assumed this was the normal behavior with Dustan and his students (layed back, joking around, having fun, being cool) because that’s the way it is with the Shadowhand school. At the Shadowhand school everyone are like brothers. We joke with each other, do favors for each other, and have each other’s back. That’s everyone including SiFu Savage. I assumed, because Dustan is a disciple of SiFu Savage, it was the case with Dustan and his students as well. The night we were there we trained in Dustan’s garage. It was me, SiFu Savage, Dustan Carroll, Bobby Beck, and Dan Lopez. (It’s interesting how during both of the seminars in Huntsville Dustan never extended the invite to privately train with the shadowhand school and have the opportunity to learn extra to any of his students, but anyway). The reason Jay Baudean thinks that SiFu Savage and the Shadowhand school are a bunch of bullies is because of the events that took place at this time (and the lies he was told because he was not there). We were training with the pole and knives. Dustan was on the ground on his back with his pole in his hand. He was training with Bobby. Dustan tried to hit Bobby in the private area with the pole and Bobby caught the pole between his legs and tried to disarm Dustan by turning his horse stance. Dustan did not let go of the pole so it snapped in two. Bobby did not mean to break it and apologized to Dustan. He offered to buy Dustan a new one but Dustan declined the offer. Dustan was training with SiFu Savage next with the pole. (we found another pole) Dustan was asking a question at the same time he was trying to hit SiFu Savage with it. Because of Dustan’s quick movement SiFu Savage reacted quickly (might I add SiFu Savage didn’t expect Dustan to try and hit him while he was asking a question) and Dustan was hit in the mouth. His lip was cut from the hit because he had his mouth open from talking. We at the Shadowhand school are taught to train and perform drills with the mouth closed and jaws clenched in case we get hit to lessen the injury. Dustan was well aware of the training rules. Not to mention this is training with SiFu Savage, his disciples, and senior students. We train a little more intense because we are aware of techniques (even as we play the bad guy) to not get seriously injured. Dustan knew them as well. Anyway, Dustan’s lip was cut. SiFu Savage didn’t mean to cut his lip. It was a training accident and it didn’t look like SiFu Savage even hit him hard. Dustan had his mouth open and the lip was probably cut by his tooth. SiFu Savage apologized and offered to bring him to the hospital. Dustan declined the offer and took himself to the hospital. The next day SiFu Savage apologized again and everything seemed ok. Upon me seeing Dustan the next day with stitches in his lip I poked fun at him (which what I thought was the norm of our relationship) because it wasn’t bleeding that bad from the previous night and didn’t look like a serious injury. I was wrong for poking fun at him in front of his students (bad situational awareness on my part). I admit this and I later apologized for it when SiFu Savage brought it to my attention that it bothered Dustan. I called him personally and apologized and he forgave me. For good measure I even bought and subscribed to his wing chun workbook (which was pretty good info on wing chun at first until some things were changed that SiFu did not teach ever).
The seminar was great and it was good training again with our Huntsville brothers. One incident at the seminar that seemed rather odd was when a student kicked Dustan in the leg and Dustan scolded him saying, “If you kick me that hard again I’ll break your leg.”(Talk about bullying). That to me seemed a little overboard but who was I? This wasn’t my class or student. I have more than one witness to this including SiFu Savage. Another incident was when Dustan came up to me and corrected my quan sao. His correction was not the way I learned it from SiFu Savage and wasn’t applicable to the drill. I understand if it was a different way of expressing quan sao but because of the drill we were doing it left my structure and movement vulnerable to being hit by my training partner. I kept quiet and performed his “corrected” way as to not tell him he was incorrect in front of his students. (You literally had to walk on egg shells with this guy). I later confirmed it with SiFu Savage and he agreed with my inquiry. These were the only weird things that I noticed. Shortly after we returned to Florida is when all hell broke loose. Now we were labeled as bullies and we disrespected Dustan. SiFu Savage has been labeled a cheater, thief, and defrauder because of these events. Dustan had his students believe that we purposely beat him up, broke his stuff, and disrespected him. What do you think? On top of that there was the issue of the website in which Dustan Carroll and James Sasitorn bought and managed for SiFu Savage as a gift to advertise and reach out to the community. After the falling out SiFu Savage wanted ownership of the website because his name (Shadowhand) was on it and was willing to pay Dustan for it. Dustan refused and claimed ownership of Shadowhand. Dustan does not own or has any rights to the name of Shadowhand. The school was named Shadowhand before Dustan was a part of it. Shadowhand came from the chinese words “sao” and “yin”. Duncan Leung named SiFu Savage “SaoYin” as a nick name describing his technique. Shadowhand was a name given to SiFu Savage by his SiFu. He honored his SiFu by naming his school Shadowhand. Then there was the whole issue with what SiFu Savage required from his disciples and that was to come and train with him once a year. The reason is to make any corrections on techniques/forms/drills to keep them sharp and to visit with your SiFu and have a good time. Money was not the issue. But it was distorted either by Dustan or his students as a ploy to claim SiFu Savage was taking people for their money.
Lately there have been some defectors from the White Rose school that have come to the Shadowhand School. From their firsthand accounts Dustan treats his students as a dictator would treat their citizens. I have in writing a copy of the White Rose code of conduct (and will produce it to anyone who wants to see it upon request) and some of the rules are good but most seem to exert a totalitarian control over people. And that he has told so many complex lies (brainwashing) about SiFu Savage and the Shadowhand school that some people have even believed them and think of us as scum. These followers and Dustan continue to defame SiFu Savage and his school through social media. It’s sad. I met so many good people in Huntsville and looked very much forward to train with them again. It’s sad that I won’t get the opportunity to go there or have them come to Florida to train wing chun. I have heard from defectors of the White Rose school of the “cult like” allegiance Dustan expects from his students. And how alot of things concerning loyalty have to be written in a contract and also in order to become a disciple one has to pay him $3000 dollars. SiFu Savage has never asked for a monetary price except what was mentioned before for discipleship.
I apologize to Dustan Carroll on the behalf of the Shadowhand school for the events that have taken place during our last visit (the breaking of the stick, busted lip, and poking fun in front of students) in which you’ve accepted. So why is Dustan and his students still defaming SiFu Savage and his school? Granted, I do know a few Shadowhand students who have fought back with insult but it was only because of the defaming of us in the first place and SiFu Savage never condoned any of it and does not control his students in such a manner. (freedom of speech). For someone who demands respect from students why the disrespect towards his SiFu? If Dustan really felt wronged all it required was a talk with SiFu Savage to come to an understanding. He is a really reasonable man. But instead Dustan and his students have slandered Sifu Savage and his school even after accepting the apologies of those events in his garage and thereafter. I believe Dustan Carroll’s pride was hurt because of a sustained injury that left a wound for his students to see and not think he was the best thing since sliced bread in the wing chun world in my opinion. Anything said from the students of Dustan is invalid and inaccurate because they were not present during our training in the garage. They do not know how SiFu Savage runs his school and can’t validly argue if SiFu changed the way he teaches or techniques (which he hasn’t in the 5 years I’ve been a student and on top of that old students who have trained with him 20yrs ago have also verified SiFu Savage changed nothing). Dustan’s students only source is Dustan. So any slander by them came directly from Dustan Carroll. If Dustan has something to say about SiFu Doc Savage then I’m sure he can say it himself instead of hide behind his students who never witnessed the events that took place which led to the fall out. Thank you for reading. This is the whole and TRUE account of the falling out between SiFu Doc Savage and his former disciple Dustan Carroll.
“Recently, a post, “Jay Baydean with Sifu Dustan Carroll”, was brought to my attention. In it, Jay seems to want to make certain points but instead rambles on as if being directed by someone else and appears to have some father-son and abuse issues. From what I understand, I am being accused of hurting my students and using them as “paychecks”. In response:
1) I have and will always teach Wing Chun as it was taught to me, stay true to the art and not modify it in any manner that would deviate from Wing Chun principles.
2) The accusations that I hurt my students while using them as paychecks defies basic logic and is preposterous. If I wanted to use my students as paychecks, I certainly would not want to harm or damage them as sources of income and would water the system down and praise them for how good “they think” they are instead of showing them their weaknesses or misunderstandings. It’s rather odd that such an accusation would come from a school that requires affidavits of loyalty and a policy of banishing students that remotely offend or even disagree with Dustan.
3) The truth seekers that have been leaving Dustan and now practice with me have been amazed how much they have not been taught as well as how many things they were taught incorrectly. Accordingly, I welcome any student from any school to train with me or my students. Furthermore, my students are always welcome to train with other schools without the threat of banishment or punishment. Dustan has taken great measures and care to exert control and hide certain truths from his students. If only he could redirect this energy to teaching his students, it might reduce his paranoia and ease his inferiority complex. So Jay and Dustan, have a nice day!!
Thanks to all who know the little boy for what he is.” SiFu Doc Savage
Thanks, Bobby and Justin. Training with you guys was great, and I appreciate how you all pointed out so many small details and nuances. My forms and footwork are much better! I keep in mind what SiGong said to me on the phone: “How does someone master in four years the same Art I’m still learning after forty years?” While I don’t like the circumstances that brought me to Florida, I am grateful that I made it there nonetheless! I’m in a much, much better place and on a much greater path, a path that many others secretly wish they could also be on. 😉
great observation Ed, to realize how much Sifu Doc can share on just one move of one form shows you are willing to learn and keep an open mind, for those who think they can learn it all training with him a few times a year for 4 years are experiencing what I call arrogant ignorance. To learn all the forms of Wing Chun is the tip of the ice berg and there are only two ways two learn how to use the techniques effectively.
1) you can get in a lot of fights and try to figure out why something either worked or why you got your but kicked.
2) you can learn from someone who already experienced #1.
We have been fortunate enough to have the opportunity to learn from Doc and not have to go out and risk getting arrested or seriously hurt.
I have been in my share of fights and wish I had the knowledge of self defense then as I do now, I can promise the outcome would have been much different in each case.
Ed, good observation! Keep looking, keep digging. Lots more to discover dude.
Glad you had a good time. See you at the next one!
I’ve been going over my notes of last week’s seminar, and it dawned on me: the whole seminar was based on just a part of a movement from one of the forms. How crazy is that! Even more mind-numbing is the thought that we were scratching only the surface! Shadowhand is no mere rabbit hole, Alice!
@EZ E(nero)
Seriously dude!?!?!?!….Epipelagic Zone!?!?!?!?!?!?!
Why use big words when you know it’ll confuse us(?) … hahaha
As usual SiFu Doc has: answered questions that I had; highlighted & redirected my attention to those things that I know or should have known by now; showed me some “new” things that that were right in front of my eyes, yet I overlooked them; & most importantly raised new questions in my mind.
I’m swimming in the Epipelagic Zone of the WC ocean…
Awesome seminar! Thank you SiFu for expanding my understanding of the ducking set in the third form but also understanding the philosophy during our private lessons. I encourage all to take advantage of private lessons. Don’t take for granted the library SiFu has given us as a mental road map on understanding our art on a level other than physical which can also be used not only in martial arts but in every facet of our daily lives. Master Jou quoted Chang San-Feng (the founder of Tai-Chi Chuan) in his book The Tao of Tai-Chi Chuan saying “If one emphasizes only the martial arts, he will miss the most important aspect of the philosophy of Tai-Chi Chuan.” Thanks again SiFu for elevating me through higher levels of understanding of the physical, mental, and spiritual aspects in the art of Wing Chun. Thanks to all my Wing Chun brothers for training with me because it’s with you guys I get to apply and practice what I’ve learned. Peace!
Good times had by all at this most recent seminar courtesy of SiFu Doc and SiFu Bobby. Thank you for the hospitality and of course the mind expanding knowledge. Great to meet and train with the Memphis crew.
Bobby…any time my friend. I’m here to support your leg destruction confidence. 🙂
A great seminar, indeed! Words don’t express even a fraction of my gratitude for allowing me to train under you, SiGong! While my “teacher/father” is a deadbeat dad towards me, my Kung Fu granddad has been more than generous, supportive, and understanding (such a fun-loving guy!!!). Thank you (and everyone else) for helping me to fix things I have done incorrectly for the last three years. Thank you for the clue you gave us to understanding the Ducking Sets! It was a small thing, but it made me recall distinctly how my last teacher taught us a particular drill incorrectly at a seminar in Memphis. I’m glad I came to you to learn the right way to practice/train this Art and to learn another portion of “What They Didn’t Learn.” Like you said: Had I been studying, searching, and testing, I’d have come to you years ago. Thanks again! I’m looking forward to the next one! You can bet I’ll be there!
The seminar was great, we all learned a lot of downrite inspiring and literally jaw-dropping moves and techniques. I hope to be at the next one.
What a great seminar, as usual Sifu Doc has brought our understanding of Wing Chun to a higher level. All the different uses Doc comes up with for the ducking set are mind blowing. Everyone who attended the seminar made it enjoyable as well, the deduction that the guys who travel so far shows is inspiring. Thanks to Justin for allowing me to take you down so easily on the leg drill we did, that really helps my confidence.