A Zen master named Gettan lived in the latter part of the Tokugawa era. He used to say:
“There are three kinds of disciples: those who impart Zen to others, those who maintain the temples and shrines, and then there are the rice bags and the clothes-hangers.”
Gasan expressed the same idea. When he was studying under Tekisui, his teacher was very severe. Sometimes he even beat him. Other pupils would not stand this kind of teaching and quit. Gasan remained, saying:
“A poor disciple utilizes a teacher’s influence. A fair disciple admires a teacher’s kindness. A good disciple grows strong under a teacher’s discipline.”
Beset with a thousand disquietudes,
I chanced upon an old woman fishing under the shady cool of creeping willows.
I wanted to ask her my thousand questions regarding the sun, moon and the creation of the universe and my purpose in life and oh so many more,
She placed her fingers on her lips: Fish are rising.
So I stood there and watched.
The freckled river shimmered with flashes of light like scales of an anaconda.
Clouds drift and tugged the blue horizon with their thick, silken strands;
Shadows of the willow grove deepened.
I felt my questions draining away.
Finally, as she slowly reeled in her line, I laughed as I saw that the line was without a hook.
How does one catch fish without a hook? I wondered.
As she turned to go, I know that tea is ready and I am invited.
Following behind her light, drifting footsteps, a gentle breeze combs through the willow branches,
I catch fragments of their whispering: A big one she caught.
……………………………………………………..INFO WILL BE ADDED PERIODICALLY……………………………
“All material contained in seminars is copyrighted and cannot be used without expressed permission from SiFu Doc Savage. Any violation will be prosecuted to the full extent of the law. ”
“SHADOWHAND does not support/condone bullying and or dictator-style tactics to maintain loyalty. Loyalty is earned not controlled!”
I don’t hide.
I don’t hideout.
I don’t hide behind.
My door is always open, no appointment needed.
I am always here to do what it takes to pass on wing chun with honor and respect to my SiFu!
SiFu Savage
copyright 2014
Always greatful for the knowledge that is pounded down through my SiFu Doc Savage, his lessons not only teach the physical of Shawdowhand Wing Chun but the philosophies behind every move, they are truly priceless. SiFu Doug, thank you for your hospitality and the elbow pressure! Safe journeys brother. SiFu Justin, Sifu Bobby, I always look forward to training with y’all, you guys definitely “drop some knowledge” on a brother! Great Seminar.
I just got home about an hour ago…and I have spent the entire afternoon both amazed at how much Wing Chun one could possibly learn in such a short amount of time! I am so grateful to Doc Savage and to EVERYONE ONE of you guys! Before I left Waco I asked myself…
“What does it mean to IMPART ZEN TO OTHERS?” IT’s easy to stick yourself on a pedestal, pin a white flower on your chest and puff yourself up by dropping names in front of everyone. In My opinion, people who feel the need to drop the names of others consistently are simply NO SECURE with their own name having ANY TRUE VALUE on it’s own merit. So if this what a poor disciple does…it’s easy enough to understand.
Admiring the kindness of others is a good thing….people do not admire what they do not value.
But it is a much better thing to EXUDE KINDNESS from yourself and to show it to others.
I am not sure if this is what is meant by “IMPARTING ZEN”…but if it is…well, each and everyone of the various Sifu’s from the varied Shadowhand schools I met, and as well their students, all do credit to SiFu Doc Savage, and show that irregardless of what level of Martial Skill they have…they have learned and mastered the LIFE SKILL of kindness by the Example of Doc Savage.
I enjoyed meeting each and everyone of you!
Now, if Imparting ZEN however is something more along the lines of EMPOWERING OTHERS…knowing when to say…”Yeah, but you still SHINE!” at just the right moment…or giving 100% patience…meeting each person on their own level, and not settling on leaving it all up to the student to have to understand the way things are taught, but seeking out how the student learns until it is found and meeting them at that level to INSURE the LESSON is BOTH PASSED and RECEIVED…TO INSURE THE SUCCESS of students…then there again, by my witness of both SiFu Doc Savage and all whom he had help work with myself and others…I witnessed that not only did DOC and all Shadowhand school instructors SET A VERY HIGH BAR to be reached…but that they did not set the same bar, without also supplying the ladder and saying as needed…”CLIMB HERE!”
On so multiple levels, I witnessed so many examples I wish not just to admire, not to emulate…rather to insure to incorporate into my own walk…and to pay forward into the lives of others, to teach with passion, to greet with kindness, strive in company with Humor, to GIVE without expectation of return…and to seek personal growth, exemplifying the path to Mastery is not to seek MASTERY…rather simply “TO SEEK”…to continually focus on learning, exploring…
Thank you, thank you all! And most of all I wish to Thank you Doc! I had such a blast and I learned so much!
My deepest thanks to all who attended the seminar! As always thanks to SiFu Doug for his hospitality! Even though he is leaving us to explore the west he will be back in Oct. to share the stories of his adventures! My Best to Doug in all endeavors. My best to all!
SiFu Savage
copyright 2014
Wow…what an awesome weekend of jaw-dropping Shadowhand Wing Chun! Chi sao and Wooden Man and into the rabbit hole we go!
A big thanks to SiFu Doc Savage for all the esoteric tidbits and also the opportunity to get together with the Shadowhand folks once again. It was great to train with everyone. Looking forward to the next one!
Many thanks to SiFu Doug for his hospitality. And to SiFu Bobby for locking hands with me. 🙂
I would like to thank everyone who attended the final Panama City seminar and hope they enjoyed it ! As always SiFu showed us why Shadowhand Rules !
SiFu Savage, thanks for letting us in on the “secret sinking” Lop Sao…never noticed that before, or at least it never registered. Take the high ground; send it down. GOT IT! Is there no end to PAP? (I know the answer to that.) As always the seminars were packed with information & clarifications. I am enjoying the journey in spite of the fact that the destination does not look all that near.
Doing the MYJ form & watching others work through it helped to highlight the finer points. Thanks to those that attended; I learned something from each of you. That was one hell of a send off for our WC brother Doug. Happy Trails & hopefully we’ll see you down the line. In the meantime keep driving!
Sifu, great seminar this weekend! I really enjoyed it and learned a lot about chisao, the wooden MAN, and wing chun physics and philosophy. Your teaching and guidance truly brought the concepts and techniques to life, which demonstrates the significance of a student finding a QUALIFIED instructor to pass down the knowledge, wisdom, and understanding of the art. Thank you all you have given and shared.
Happy Memorial Day! Thank you for your service to our country! Without you we would have nothing!
God Bless each and everyone of you. You have enriched my life more than you know!
SiFu Doc Savage
May 26, 2014
Greetings one and all! I hope everyone will enjoy my photo shop fun with Ip Man Duncan and myself! This is my Family Tree with some fun!
I want to remind you about the seminar the May 31 and June 1 in Panama City. I am looking forward to seeing you all.
SiFu Savage
Well said Capt. J.
Regardless of style, the martial artists that have impressed me have all had the same attributes: love for, knowledge of, & artistry within their martial art. Also they were all personally invested in seeing their art propagate; they held their art in higher regard than themselves. In my time
training SHADOWHAND WC it has been obvious that Sifu Savage:
1) loves WC
2) is dedicated to passing on WC at the highest level(s) – preservation of the art
3) has a wealth of knowledge, artistry, & abilities with martial arts in general & WC in specific
Sifu Savage knows what works & what does NOT work. If you are his student his intention is to steer you away from the superfluous & point the way to the pure. Pure in the sense of applying the principles of WC to any given situation. If you just want to know “what is this hand & how does it work?” He can provide that information for you. If you want to know “what is the proper PAP for this hand & how does it apply to Yin & Yang?” Again, he can provide that information. He can meet you on your level & teach you there. Really, what more can you ask for?
@SiFu Doc Savage
Sifu, although I can’t speak for anyone else, I CAN speak for “my bunch”…
They have nothing but the UTMOST respect for their Si Gong and most have never even met him 🙂
ALL want to meet and train with him (Sifu Doc) and the rest of the Shadowhand Masters. (even tho they are leery of “the crippler” hah) (3 of us will be coming to the seminar)
Although I wasn’t around for what all happened back then, I’ve heard the stories from mulitple (reliable) sources–FOR THE LIFE OF ME I CANNOT FATHOM DISRESPECTING MY SIFU. Any of them. (Doc, Dar, or Adam) There are some lines just that are NOT meant to be crossed.
For all they have done, and continue to do for me, my “kwoon”, there should never be ANY reason ANY disagreements cannot be worked out.
We are all individuals, and as such, have differing philosophies, outlooks, etc…. therefore it’s a foregone conclusion that there will be disagreements–that being said, one can agree to disagree, however when it crosses the line of DISRESPECT, it thereby becomes a problem.
I’m a nobody in the Shadowhand World, however I try my best to offer knowledge that was offered to me, AS it was offered to me….and even so, not ONE (not even an inquisitive transient) has ever even come close to disrespecting ME lol.
We ALL owe Sifu Doc a great deal… even you out there who are at odds with him–you’re a damn fool if you think otherwise.
Lastly, I dare say, NONE of you, me, any of us would be where we are today, without Sifu Doc Savage.
We all owe a debt, that in my opinion, can never be repaid in monetary forms, but we CAN pass on what we have learned, we CAN show and give respect that is due.
It is gonna be a great time! The kwoons will grow together!
I hope everyone is excited about the seminar this month. I will be glad to see all of you there. I also hope that we can all have some wall-pounding, floor-hitting fun learning some wing-chun.
It is amazing how bad ones ego can screw things up for themselves. I think of all the Wing Chun Doc has taught me since 2011 and all the improvements he has helped me achieve and I can’t help but think of how much I would have missed out on if I allowed my ego to ruin Doc’s trust and friendship.
OH FFS…GET OVER IT (and yourself)! Why continue to invoke someone that you hate? Why uphold something or someone you clearly spite? So a falling out occurred…big f’ing deal…everybody gets it…big whoop. The reason: a website. Got it. Why continue to try and associate yourself with someone you clearly hate over a “falling out” issue? Pathetic. It’s like trying to recall a f’ing bullet after its left the f’ing gun…newsflash: you f’ing can’t. So SiFu Doc stated once long ago, that you were of some value…congrats. Big f’ing deal. Pat yourself on the back. So you post it on your site…wow…congrats again. That was then, this is now. MOVE ON FFS! I would research some really cool latin quotes and put it here…but…I’d rather spend my time training my horse…instead of beating a DEAD ONE!
Gotta run…got some thorny plum flowers and white roses that need trimming…
My new appreciation for the same old rules:
Simultaneous attack & defense is WC. Defense only is not WC. When I keep the “attack” in my moves all of the flinching, eye closing, breath holding, & so on goes away, & my hands stay lively (though not always light.) Thanks SiFu.
Always great to have students like EZ to take the time to drive here and train with us at the PC kwoon ! It seems many new details are shown to those that train hard and understand the lessons of SiFu’s Awesome Drills ! And thanks SiFu for showing us the Drills under the microscope .
Damn JC! Profound thoughts for this early in the day. In any case well said fellows. I am writing to thank SiFu Savage for a great class at the Panama City kwoon last night. Once again WC was placed under the microscope & new details were exposed; again DAMN! For my PC WC brothers good to see you & train with you; always great to see you Doug.
What’s up? Shadowhand; that’s what’s up!
I was always taught that Wing Chun was a “thinking persons art”…thus, some random thoughts:
“Don’t Fight With An Ego” can also be interpreted as ‘Don’t Teach or Lead or Mentor…With An Ego’…
History shows that oppressors who mandate the stifling of individuals’ thoughts or opinions don’t last…
Everything in the Universe is cyclic…
Every revolution carries with it the seeds of its own destruction…
Everything begins with choice…
Way to go Daniel ! That says it all and that’s what’s up
I recall the scenario you describe
It’s amazing what ego does. Think about this scenario. This serves as an example of what not to do.
So you study wing chun for 3 years or so and think you know it all. Even though your SiFu performed the cockaracha dance on your body (most likely to prove you know nothing & need to train more) you still think you require no more SHADOWHAND training and then make some lame excuse about retiring and training dogs for a living. Badass? You’re hell bent on chanting Wu De when you committed the biggest offense of disrespect against your own SiFu -talking negatively about him behind his back, making false accusations and attempting to take for your own what was always rightfully his. You own your own school and in private ask Sifu’s student to teach you about something specific instead of just going to him yourself for further training because let’s face it you think you know but know nothing in comparison. Or better yet, you start reaching out to other wing chun schools to teach seminars at your school – united what? or did you run out of material to teach or is your wing chun instruction not good enough anymore? SiFu Doc Savage does not need to employ the assistance of other wing chun schools to teach at his school. You get mad when a fellow brother Disciple tries to teach you something or a student hits you too hard because you felt pain…pathetic! Is this not a school to learn how to fight! Karma is a %itch and sooner or later it cathes up with us all , sometimes one knuckle/stitch at a time or maybe even something far worse.
“What’s Up Doc”?
Now I know what some people really think of their SiFu!
What goes around…comes around!
Thanks guys for the compliment, you guys teach me as much as I teach you
Great testimonial Adam. Sad for them, they are really missing allot that the art has to offer. Hope they come to see you to advance what they’ve learned to the “Shadowhand Level”.
And yes E, “The Cripler” taught a good class Satuday! Even though Ryan dealt the “tap” this time! LOL. The insights we all share in our Shadowhand training are worth their weight in gold. Truly a brotherhood.
Hope all is well Shadowhand brothers! See you guys Saturday. 🙂
Thanks to Bobby for teaching the class today. Good insights.
“CHI SAO” Seminar May 2014, Panama City School! Watch for Flyer!
Great job Adam
Hey Adam, nice story. Motivating to hear you Study, Search, & Test out there in the world.
That is awesome Adam! Spreading the word. 🙂
Great job Adam!!!
I was invited to a WC school last week through one of my students. He has been training with me for about 2 months now but was already with the other school. When his teacher noticed his improvement, he invited me to the school.
The key takeaways from my visit that I really tried to noodle out and rationalize. Not sure if it is the lineage (Moy Yat than Jiu Wan) or teacher preference.
1. He does not teach shifting weight 70/30, because he said being 50/50 was faster. He mentioned if someone does it natural
that is fine, but it is not taught. I was curious to see how they kick, but it did not seem like they practice kicks.
2. They do not practice angles. Everything for them is forward pressing (linear).
3. While we were doing Chi Sao, he asked me how to switch. Not thinking about I said run the hand. Next question was how do you that? It took me a second to realized what he asked. It made since later when he was demonstrating with a student, and they just let go.
Tooting the Shadowhand horn, a couple of instructors have come out and said I was the best trained student they have come crossed from another lineage. I just tell them it is a reflection of how I was taught.
So, thank you SiFu. I am very grateful to be training from you.