A Zen master named Gettan lived in the latter part of the Tokugawa era. He used to say:

“There are three kinds of disciples: those who impart Zen to others, those who maintain the temples and shrines, and then there are the rice bags and the clothes-hangers.”

Gasan expressed the same idea. When he was studying under Tekisui, his teacher was very severe. Sometimes he even beat him. Other pupils would not stand this kind of teaching and quit. Gasan remained, saying:

“A poor disciple utilizes a teacher’s influence. A fair disciple admires a teacher’s kindness. A good disciple grows strong under a teacher’s discipline.”



On Finding a Teacher
On one fine summer day, as I strolled aimlessly along a riverbank,
Beset with a thousand disquietudes,
I chanced upon an old woman fishing under the shady cool of creeping willows.
I wanted to ask her my thousand questions regarding the sun, moon and the creation of the universe and my purpose in life and oh so many more,
She placed her fingers on her lips: Fish are rising.
So I stood there and watched.
The freckled river shimmered with flashes of light like scales of an anaconda.
Clouds drift and tugged the blue horizon with their thick, silken strands;
Shadows of the willow grove deepened.
I felt my questions draining away.
Finally, as she slowly reeled in her line, I laughed as I saw that the line was without a hook.
How does one catch fish without a hook? I wondered.
As she turned to go, I know that tea is ready and I am invited.
Following behind her light, drifting footsteps, a gentle breeze combs through the willow branches,
I catch fragments of their whispering: A big one she caught.

……………………………………………………..INFO WILL BE ADDED PERIODICALLY……………………………

“All material contained in seminars is copyrighted and cannot be used without expressed permission from SiFu Doc Savage.  Any violation will be prosecuted to the full extent of the law. ” 

“SHADOWHAND does not support/condone bullying and or dictator-style tactics to maintain loyalty.  Loyalty is earned not controlled!”  


  1. Ed Holt
    March 23rd, 2025 at 13:17 | #1

    Great seminar this weekend (22MAR25), SiGung! I really needed a good refresher on the Gan Sau drills, and this hit the spot! Thank you!

  2. SiFu Doc Savage
    February 15th, 2025 at 00:17 | #2


  3. SiFu Doc Savage
    May 3rd, 2020 at 17:14 | #3

    ATTENTION KUNG FU Enthusiasts!!!
    SiFu Bobby Beck will start holding classes in Liza Jackson Park Fort Walton Beach, Fl.
    Saturday May 9th: 8am till 10a.
    Wednesdays 5:30p-6:30p.
    You can reach SiFu Beck: 850-830-3535

  4. SiFu Doc Savage
    January 15th, 2020 at 12:38 | #4

    Dominick Izzo says:

    “Doc Savage is a good fucking reference for authentic wing chun”!!!
    Thank You Sir

  5. Francis Jackson
    December 17th, 2019 at 22:49 | #5

    I would like to say thank you Sifu Shane for letting me train at his school thanks and we know that all of us takes something from every semester i me have took my horse from this one I finally felt it I finally got it and for that I say thank you sir you are truly the best of the best doc and you know what you are a legend thanks Sifu

  6. Francis Jackson
    December 17th, 2019 at 13:07 | #6

    I would first like to thank Sifu Shane for letting me have the chance to train at his place and all I can say is that doc you are the best of the best and you know that all of us bring something different from the seminar I brought my horse back you told me what I should be doing I finally felt it and for that thank you sir. PS Sifu doc is the BEST OF THE BEST

  7. Shane Grubbs
    December 12th, 2019 at 23:17 | #7

    The December Seminar will be held at my place in Terry MS. The address is
    5136 Green Gable Rd. Terry MS 39170

    I am looking forward to seeing everyone.


  8. Shane Grubbs
    November 14th, 2019 at 20:38 | #8

    Thank you for a great seminar in Memphis Sigung. It was good to meet our Memphis Shadowhand brothers and sisters. Thank you Sifu Ed for hosting the seminar.


  9. SiFu Doc Savage
    November 8th, 2019 at 14:48 | #9

    Next seminar will be the re-certification for Disciples/Instructors!!!
    DECEMBER 13-14 &15, 2019!!!
    It will be held at SiFu Shane Grubbs garage.
    If you need to get directions please ask him!!!
    Come prepared to ask questions in order for you to advance in the art of “SHADOWHAND” WING CHUN!!!
    All are welcome…
    If you want to learn I will teach you…
    If you come to disrupt or otherwise distract while I am teaching you will be put in time out…
    Thank You for your kind attention…

  10. SiFu Doc Savage
    October 12th, 2019 at 01:42 | #10

    SEMINAR Oct 25-26 & 27…
    My Bad…

  11. SiFu Doc Savage
    October 11th, 2019 at 16:31 | #11

    October-Seminar in Memphis,Tenn. Oct 23-24&25 2019!!!
    All are welcome!!!
    We would love to see all the “SHADOWHAND” trained, regardless who you learned from…
    Make the effort so will I…

  12. SiFu Doc Savage
    October 8th, 2019 at 13:22 | #12

    Gearing up for another seminar in MEMPHIS…October 25-26 & 27!!!
    All are welcome…See you there!!!
    For more info contact SiFu Ed Holt…

  13. Shane Grubbs
    August 14th, 2019 at 02:54 | #13

    Thank you SiGung for coming to Mississippi and sharing you vast knowledge. Each one of your seminars that I have attended have had a profound affect on my Wing Chun and me as a person, but for reasons I can’t fully explain, this last one was extremely sobering. I have always known on a conscious level that you teach us to deal with an extreme level of violence, but this time I felt it down in my soul. Like we discussed a few days later, this seminar shattered the last of my childish “Bruce Lee” fantasies about what training is, and how it should be. You always teach us in a way that challenges our pre-conceived notions and assumptions. I think i am starting to understand one of the reasons why. If you come to training with pre-conceived notions you might get embarrassed. If you face a knife wielding attacker with those pre-conceived notions, you die! Thank you for expanding my perceptions of the art we all love.
    Thanks to all of my Shadowhand brothers for making the long trip here and training with us. It was great to see everyone.


  14. Shane Grubbs
    July 30th, 2019 at 04:49 | #14

    @SiFu Doc Savage
    Thank you for coming! It was my pleasure to have you, Aiden, and Sifu Bobby stay with us. I am grateful that you deem me worthy of teaching the art we love, and I will do my best to teach at the high standard you have set for us in the Shadowhand family.

  15. July 29th, 2019 at 08:20 | #15

    Had a great visit here in Waco Tx today from Enero! I am so grateful for the influence Shadowhand has had on my life. Thanks E for coming to visit, my guys had a really great time and as Iron sharpeneth Iron, so the countenance of one man sharpeneth another…and I am reminded of the need to emphasize the basics! I really appreciate the workout and the counsel!
    Thanks again!


  16. todd
    July 26th, 2019 at 02:12 | #16

    Thanks, learned a lot of very unexpected lessons from training with everyone.
    Relaxed and let it happen
    It just was
    The basics/forms are gold for sure.
    Thanks again Doc, and everyone who trained.

  17. SiFu Doc Savage
    July 25th, 2019 at 11:28 | #17

    Thank you for the excellent seminar. You really opened the door a bit more widely for me when it comes to the connection between the fundamentals, the exoteric, and the esoteric aspects of wing chun. I will approach my training with the proper questions to begin scratching the surface of my art.
    Nate “Flu Shot” Crawford

  18. SiFu Doc Savage
    July 22nd, 2019 at 11:08 | #18

    Thank you all for a great seminar!
    My special thanks to SiFu Shane Grubbs for his hospitality and taking such good care of myself, Aiden and SiFu Bobby Beck.
    My thanks to all who attended and for their hard work in their pursuit to further their knowledge in SHADOWHAND KUNG FU!
    My Congratulations to SiFu Shane Grubbs in his efforts to share his knowledge.

  19. Clinton Brown
    July 21st, 2019 at 15:34 | #19

    Doc and Bobby I really learned a lot at the seminar!! Thank y’all for taking the time to show me how to do things the right way!! I can’t wait to learn more!!!

  20. Captain J
    July 16th, 2019 at 00:04 | #20

    Greetings all,

    My apologies for the delay in posting.

    Upcoming seminar THIS COMING WEEKEND!!!
    Will be held at Shane’s place in Terry, MS.
    5136 Green Cable Road
    Terry, MS 39170

    Take the Terry exit off I55 south, and head west to the LAST HOUSE ON THE RIGHT–the road tbones into another road, at that intersection, it’s the house on the right.
    Anyone gets lost gimme a call. 601-260-7985
    9am start time.
    Hope to see everyone there!!

  21. SiFu Doc Savage
    May 29th, 2019 at 16:01 | #21

    No class sat 6/1

  22. SiFu Doc Savage
    May 16th, 2019 at 14:21 | #22


  23. todd
    May 7th, 2019 at 01:36 | #23

    Is there a “down side” to turning in horse gon sao stationary and adding the poc sao punch? Like going thru sticks with punch etc. I added this the other day (just kinda felt like a punch would fit nicely at that time) and realized it helped the timing when going thru the sticks and punching. I have a tendency to go straight to poc sao punch and not set my hands then turn poc punch etc. Just trying to find the sweet spot in the transition right there.

    I just realized Gon sao/ Quan sao punching drill has this in it (kinda).

    Got in my notes to go over, just figured I’d share some of my thoughts here.

  24. EZ E(nero)
    April 14th, 2019 at 05:21 | #24

    Been spending a lot of time looking at info to improve my overall health…in this book they say that you need to keep your toes pointed forward for the best anatomical stability for you knees & hips. Had to smile because I know a certain Sifu that has been telling me to do just that ever since I met him. Miss training with you Doc. Catch up with you down the line. (Greetings everybody else; haven’t forgotten that I owe you all kicks in the balls!) Be well!

  25. SiFu Doc Savage
    April 9th, 2019 at 10:51 | #25

    Classes Tue/Thur 7p-8p
    111 Hughes St
    Fort Walton Beach, Fl 32548

  26. SiFu Doc Savage
    April 9th, 2019 at 10:46 | #26

    no class sat.

  27. Francis Jackson
    March 31st, 2019 at 14:30 | #27

    Thanks again sigung for a another great seminar as always can’t wait till next one and I wanted to say thanks to every one who helped me and thanks sigung for taking up some time with me.it was good seeing everyone again. hope all my shadowhand brothers have a good year see every one soon

  28. Captain J
    March 29th, 2019 at 11:59 | #28

    Was great to see everyone again and, as always, going deeper into the rabbit hole is always enlightening.

    Having SiGun, Sifu Bobby, and Sifu Justin here locally all at the same time was priceless.

    Thanks to all who showed and all who imparted their wisdom, as always.

    Oh, and thanks to Adam for not destroying the Mook Jongs this time 😀

  29. todd
    March 28th, 2019 at 14:23 | #29

    What an opportunity to learn. Thanks Doc for the details. Good to have so many people on the same page.
    Something about making a daily commitment to learning the lessons of the drills is nice too.
    I learned a lot and had fun, thanks everyone.

  30. Shane Grubbs
    March 26th, 2019 at 04:07 | #30

    Thank you SiGung for coming to Mississippi and sharing your knowledge with us! As usual, training with you adds miles of depth to material and concepts that I “thought I knew”. It is amazing how the “small” details, and interconnected concepts make the art we love so effective.
    Thank you Sifu Justin for working with me on the Wooden man sets. It was great to be a member of “Team Alpha”.
    Thanks to Sibu Bobby for working with us and for sharing your hilarious stories of people getting their lower extremities busted in poor attempts to best ShadowHand.
    Thanks to all of our AL, TN, SC, FL and IL brothers who made the long trek to make this seminar a success.It was great to see all of you guys!
    Thank you Sifu Adam for not totally destroying the equipment, and leveling the pavilion.
    It was great to see my far away but never forgotten brother Mark.
    To all of our Shadowhand brothers who couldn’t make it, you were sorely missed, and we hope to see you next time.


  31. Pete O’Brien
    March 25th, 2019 at 22:49 | #31

    Fantastic Wooden Man Seminar! Thank you all for your advice and critique. So much to take home and practice with. Much thanks especially to Sigong and Bobby!


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