15-16 Nov 14 Flash Seminar Complete
Wing Chun FL
SiFu Doc Savage hosted a flash seminar 15-16Nov 14 in Holt, FL .
“Thank you SiFu Doc for another great seminar and adding more tools to the WC tool shed. Thanks SiFu Bobby for providing us a place to train and knocking loose the cobwebs. It was good to see and train with everyone again. A pleasure meeting the Memphis crew. Hope to see you all in the near future. Until next time.” – Adam Rose
“Thank you, SiGong, for another information-packed seminar. As always, I appreciate your insights and direction in helping me to improve my practice. I am grateful to everyone else for the comradery, insights, pointers, laughs, and headaches from the hits! Thank you, Bobby, for providing us lodging during our stay and for making us feel right at home, as well as the shockwaves through my head when I ran into your fists. Thanks again, Justin, for helping me with the second Four Punch drill and with my Chi Sau. Captain J, it was great meeting you and Joseph; we’re looking forward to training again! Enero, as always, thanks for sharing your experiences and insights, and for being funny as hell at the most off-beat moments! I can’t wait to see everyone next month!” – Ed
“Great seminar. Great training. Great comradeship.
Good to see the Memphis and Mississippi crew. Keep at it fellas.
And another thank you to SiFu Bobby for the use of his home, and fists…
Much gratitude and appreciation to SiFu Doc for furthering my journey into the Matrix. I still have much to learn! Its all about the minute details.”
-SiFu Corey
“Latest & Greatest WC Findings: (in no particular order)
1) Origin of the primary hands used in Steal & Seal. (In front of my face all the time, but thanks to the pointers I see them.)
2) SLT, CK, BJ Fok saos.
3) SLT, CK, BJ elbow positioning & movements.
4) CK Tok sao sections!
5) Reminder that we are to take the space between the sticks & DRIVE in!
6) Reminder: Relax but maintain elbow pressure at all times!
7) Better use of the lines in training. My previous usage only scratched the surface of the potential of simple lines. Huge difference!
Fun training as per the norm. Good training as per the norm. Thanks to Bobby for providing the location. Thanks to all the regular attendees (Bobby, Jason, Todd, Scott, Aiden) & the new regulars (Ed & Kelly) & the irregulars (Jerry) & the brand new (Joseph) – (you know who you are; it was great training with you) & welcome back Adam! Thanks to SiFu Savage for once again shining the light on WC & taking such an interest in our improvement along the pathway to WC mastery.
Pounded down,not handed down.” – EZ
“I cant wait till the next seminar, this one was great but since all of our wingchun family will be joining in December I forsee a more information packed seminar next time.
“Awesome Shadowhand Seminar!!
Once again shown WHY Shadowhand is so much more effective than others. Once again shown proper technique and Soooo much more.
Once again given MASSIVE clues haha.
Training with The Sigong and The Masters is always extremely enlightening, though-provoking, and proves “the concept”.
I especially enjoyed the correct “seed tossing” technique, the correct way of building… callouses on the inside of your arms, and the armpit crossover maneuver haha
It was also a pleasure the meet Sifu Ed Holt and Kelly from Memphis Shadowhand Wing Chun , very honorable and knowledgeable Shadowhand Brothers to the north. Looking forward to continuing our path together, and as always was a great pleasure to be able to train with SiFu Doc Savage Sifu Adam Rose Sifu Justin, Sifu Bobby Beck Master E, Ryan Corley and the rest. The knowledge imparted by the Shadowhand Masters is, bar none, priceless.
And as always–has never come from a Lillie flower.” – Central Mississippi Wing Chun – Shadowhand