19 July 14 Flash Seminar
Flash Seminar
“Memphis Experiences The Truth”
SiFu Doc Savage welcomed the Memphis wing chun group. This is the first but not the last interaction. Ed Holt and others will be frequenting the Fort Walton, Beach area for future seminars and are always welcomed.
“We had the privilege of training with a group from Memphis, it was a pleasure and I look forward to our next encounter. We also had Todd and Scott come from Panama City and Stan came from Tallahassee, as always it was great to see you and to get to train with you guys.
I also enjoyed the very tall tales that have been told about myself and Doc and must apologize that no one received a broke leg or had to go get stitches. I hope you were not to disappointed.” – SiFu Beck
“SiGong, Stan, Bobby, et al., it was a pleasure meeting you all! This was an experience that was totally unexpected. I appreciate your hospitality and generosity. Everyone was helpful, courteous, and brotherly. SiGong, I thank you for being supportive and for correcting me on numerous things. Your explanations were simultaneously simple and profound, especially the controversial Kwan Sau. Thanks again, SiGong for having us! We’re already looking forward to next month!” -Ed Holt
“Thank you SiFu for the bad ass training this past seminar! To our memphis brothers thanks for coming down to train with us and I hope we get to see you all again next seminar. Peace and love brothers!” -Ryan Corley
“Awesome seminar, and great to meet new like minded individuals! Thanks SiFu for the great instruction and wealth of information expanding what we always seem to ‘think’ we know. Looking forward to the next one!” -Chris
“Awesome seminar, and great to meet new like minded individuals! Thanks SiFu for the great instruction and wealth of information expanding what we always seem to ‘think’ we know. Looking forward to the next one!” -SiFu Stan
“Thank you to everyone who follows SHADOWHAND’s exploits. There will be more exciting chapters coming your way, soon!” -SiFu Savage
Remember…..Stay away from dic-tators!
….and the truth shall set you free!