This Wing Chun Seminar was hosted at the SHADOWHAND extension school located in Panama City, FL.
“The recent seminar this past weekend was amazing. SiFu Doc yet again gives literal meaning to the term “everlasting spring”. From fighting, sparring, chi sau, philosophy, power training, kicking, wooden man, etc etc…it was non-stop the entire weekend. The Wing Chun world is lucky to have someone of Doc’s caliber. His knowledge and experience is boundless. Thanks to SiFu Doc and SiFu Doug for an outstanding weekend of quantum level training!!!!!!!!!! “
– SiFu Justin Corey
“Still sore and nursing bruises from this past weekend’s seminar. You know the saying “Fire forges Steel”? That’s how I would describe the training. I learned so much from the intensity and reality-based nature of Saturday’s class. Indeed, wing chun is pounded down and not passed down! But it just wasn’t the physical and technical aspects that had me impressed. SiFu shared a good amount of philosophy and history to round out our knowledge. Sunday was great as well – just hanging with SiFu and the disciples. More technical training, lots of Q&A, and just all around camaraderie. Thank you SiFu, for all that you taught and shared with us, and thank you disciples and fellow classmates as well for helping me in my wing chun path. Looking forward to the next seminar!”
“The recent seminar in Panama City was incredible. I would like to thank Sifu Doc for his dedication and patience I would also like to thank my Wing Chun brothers who attended the seminar and made the training realistic. You never know what you really learn until you are tested, thanks for the test.”
(Left to Right): Rene, SiFu Doug Hindman, Certified Instructor Adam Rose, SiFu Doc Savage, SiFu Justin Corey, SiFu Bobby Beck and Hans
Duncan Leung with tripodal configuration in the background.